t h i r t e e n

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The constant sobbing coming from Clarke's room made Raven and Octavia worried. And after a week of the insistent sadness they decided they had to do something about it. "Hey Clarke," Raven whispered softly as she walked into her friends room, pittying the girl who was curled up in a ball on her bed. The blonde didn't look up and just hummed in response.
"We're going to cheer you up tonight okay? Me, you, Octavia, Lincoln and Octavia's older brother whose in town. Everyone's gonna come here and we can all chill and drink and forget everything." Ravens voice was very gentle as she didn't want to scare her friend as she sat next to her on the bed.

"I can't do this Raven. I don't want to do this anymore. I think.. I think I loved her. I think I still do." The blondes voice cracked as she turned over to look at her friend. Raven didn't know how to reply so she simply laid down next to her friend and pulled her close into a tight embrace. "She's a fool for letting you go." Clarke sniffled at the words. She blamed herself for this too, it wasn't all on Lexa. She should've stayed when Lexa had pushed her away, but her own damn feelings had gotten in the way. If only she hadn't been stupid, if only she'd been stubborn. But she had left, left as she heard the cries and whimpers that fell from Lexa's mouth as she walked away. And she had promised she'd never come back.

"Rae I don't think I can face anyone, especially not Lincoln." She sobbed into her friends chest, the position they lay in reminding her of Lexa's warm embrace. "Please Clarke, it's not healthy to stay here, and it's not your fault." Clarke knew deep down that it was both their faults, and she just wanted to run to Lexa's house and kiss her, tell her she was stupid but she was never ever going to leave again, to tell her she made a mistake, to tell her she loved her and show her that not everyone she loved would leave. Maybe if she hadn't been to scared that it was too early to admit her feelings to the brunette, and too herself. Then maybe things would've been okay. But now they were back to where they started, two hopeless teenagers with crappy pasts and a life time of pain.

Lexa had felt the worst she ever had. She wished the blonde had refused to leave, but after the way she pushed her away, she wasn't surprised. And she didn't blame her, she would've done the same. "Lexa she's not worth your tears," Lincoln's voice echoed from the frame of her door. "It was my fault Lincoln, I love her and that scared me. And now I've lost her." She sniffled, her voice cracking. "Look Lex, I'm going out to Octavia's, she'll be there, come and talk to her if you want, if not then you need to get over this. You've only known her like a month." His voice was dry and emotionless, he was sick of Lexa's childish behaviour and though he felt bad for her, he also felt bad for Clarke, who he had been told by Octavia was in a much worse state.

Lexa shook her head, "I don't think I can face her. Not after what I've done." Lincoln nodded, "it's up to you, you know where she lives." Lexa sighed in agreement as her cousin left her to her thoughts.


Hi guys! Wanted to say thanks for reading so far! This is a short part sorry about that. This whole au is already posted on Instagram under my au account @ clexakomau

I'll try and update on here at least one let a day if not more as they are already pre written parts

Also - yes there will be smut in this book

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