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The girls had been at the party for a few hours now. Clarke was sat alone in the back corner of the garden on the floor with a single lit cigarette. Raven had gone off to play beer pong with some of her school friends, and Octavia was getting all flirty with Lincoln.

Sighing to herself she took a long puff of the cigarette and smoothly breathed it out. Her mind was filled to the brim of anxiety and questioning herself as to why she came. Why did she believe that she'd have a good time, this wasn't her scene, Clarke Griffin didn't socialise, she didn't let go and have fun. She was the responsible and boring, overly anxious teen that everyone hated.

"Having fun princess?" A smooth yet mocking  toned voice echoed from a few metres in front of her. Clarke looked up from the ground and took in the sight in front of her. A tall girl, long wavy brown hair, dressed in a smart black suit, with a white shirt and dark tie. Her forest green eyes glistened in the reflection of the moon light as they met for the first time with Clarke's ocean blue ones. "Normally people answer me when I question them." The girl spoke again, the hint of amusement still evident in her tone, yet her facial expression completely stoic. Clarke gulped as she took in the sight of the girl, this must be Lexa. "Well I'm not a normal person." Clarke finally spoke up before looking back down to the ground. "Not enjoying the best party of the year I see?" The brunette came closer and sat on the bench beside Clarke. "I got dragged here by my friends. This is not my kinda thing." She admitted honestly as she fiddled with her fingers in her lap nervously. "You seem like you need to loosen up. Let me get you a drink... what's your name princess?" Lexa asked as she stood up. "No thanks. I don't drink." Clarke replied plainly. "That's the first time anyone's ever denied me getting them a drink. Do you know who I am?" Lexa questioned as she stood looking at the blonde, she was puzzled, no one rejected or denied Lexa Woods. Slowly Clarke stood up and stepped towards Lexa, looking her in the eyes. "Yes, you are Lexa Woods, the schools stone cold heartless bitch, who has no friends and scares everyone. Sorry Woods, but you just don't scare me, now could you just leave me be? I was perfectly happy over here on my own." Clarke said dryly as she turned to sit back down. Lexa stood in shock as she stared at the beautiful blonde for a few moments. After processing what had just happened Lexa slowly turned and walked back into the house. Normally if someone had spoken to her like that then she wouldn't of had it, she would've pushed them over or shouted at them for disrespecting her.

But now days, people didn't refuse or question her out of fear. This girl was different, it was as if she didn't care if she was hurt, she knew who Lexa was, but she just didn't care.

Lexa walked back into the party and grabbed a full bottle of tequila from the fridge before heading to her bedroom and downing the whole thing. Her mind focused on one person, the mysterious blonde in her garden. After a lot of thought she joined the party. Half the guests were already passed out on the floor. She scanned the room for her cousin and found him on the sofa, a girl sat in his lap.

"Lincoln, can I talk to you for a second." She questioned, her natural blank look on her face. He nodded and whispered something to the girl on his lap who quickly jumped off and walked outside. I watched as she walked towards the blonde who still sat alone on the bench. "What is it Lex?" Lincoln asked as he stood up and the two walked to the kitchen for another drink.

"Do you know who that blonde is? I've never seen her round." Lexa asked, still keeping the blank expression on her face. "Yeah she's new. Her names Clarke Griffin, she's Octavia's new roommate." He said as he poured out two vodka shots and slid one to Lexa. "And I'm assuming that's Octavia?" Lexa replied pointing to the girl that was previously on his lap. He nodded lightly before downing the shot.

"Why you asking about blondie?" Lexa shrugged then realised she was still staring into the garden, watching Clarke and Octavia's interaction. Lincoln sighed as he watched his cousins gaze, "Octavia's staying tonight, she's letting Clarke know she doesn't have to wait for her to drive home." He said before taking another drink.

"She can't drive home alone, it's 4am." Lexa stated, earning a questioning look from her cousin. "Calm down lex, it's a 10 minute drive from here to her dorm. Why do you care anyway?" Lexa scoffed and downed a shot, "I don't." She stared before walking away.

Clarke talked to Octavia who told her that she was staying here with Lincoln tonight. Raven had already gone home with a random guy and so Clarke was left to drive home alone. She had noticed she was very tired and wasn't sure if it was a good idea for her to drive and so she decided she'd walk home. Before she left she decided she'd ask Lexa if it was okay to pick up the car tomorrow.

She found the girl sitting on a sofa, alone, drinking out of a bottle of whiskey. "Clarke." Lexa murmured as the blonde stood in front of her. "How did you- never mind," the blonde brushed off, "I was wondering if it was okay for me to leave the car here tonight, I'll pick it up tomorrow, but I'm too tired to trust myself to drive home."

Lexa gulped, "well how else are you going to get home?" She questioned, looking into Clarke's deep blue ocean eyes. "I'm going to walk. Some fresh air would do me good anyway." The blonde replied. "No." Lexa stated firmly. "Excuse me?" Clarke looked at the brunette, confusing spread across her face. "I said no. Your not walking home alone at 4am in the morning. And cut the crap about needing some air, you've been in the garden all night you idiot."

Lexa slurred as she tried to stand up. "Just because your Lexa Woods, it doesn't mean you can tell me what to do." Clarke said, a hint of anger evident in her tone. Lexa raised an eyebrow at her rebuttle, "I don't care what you think of me princess. Your not walking home alone at this time. So either you stay here, or I walk you home."

Clarke scoffed at Lexa's words, "well, it seems Miss Woods has some sort of heart, why do you care anyway?" Lexa rolled her eyes and with a soft shake of her head replied, "maybe I'm not as stone cold as everyone says. Or maybe it's just the alcohol speaking." Clarke grabbed her jacket and Octavia's keys. "Probably the alcohol."

The blonde headed for the front door, Lexa stumbling after her, clearly quite drunk. She'd heard a lot of things about Lexa, but she didn't think she'd be one to be a lightweight, or drink a lot, she was obviously wrong. "You don't need to walk with me." Clarke yelled so the brunette behind her could hear her. "Yes I do!" Is the answer she received.

Looking back over her shoulder she watched in pitty as the drunk brunette attempted to catch up with her. Clarke walked back to her, swinging Lexa's arm over her shoulder, and placed her arm around the girls waist to help her stand a little more. "Why did you come?" Clarke asked as she helped the brunette walk in the direction of her dorm room.

"It's dangerous out here..Clarke." She muttered, rolling the 'C' sound of Clarke's name. Hearing her name escape the brunettes lips made Clarke's heart flutter slightly, a strange feeling she'd never felt. "Yeah, and you can definitely protect me in this state can't you?" Clarke mocked with amusement in her voice. Lexa didn't reply, but Clarke could tell the girl was rolling her eyes.

The two walked the rest of the journey in silence until they reached Clarke's room. "Well this is me." Clarke said as she opened the dorm door and walked in, Lexa's arm still slung over her shoulder for balance. She studied the brunette who looked completely worn out and sighed.

Clarke helped her walk to her room and aided her to sit on the bed. "Lay down, I'll get you some water and some painkillers." Clarke said softly to Lexa before walking into her bathroom. When she came back into her bed room, she found Lexa passed out on her bed and snoring softly. The blonde sighed quietly as she placed the pills and water on the bedside table.

She carefully pulled the covers of the bed up over the brunette after removing her tie and suit jacket for her. Then she turned out the lights and walked to the living room. She grabbed her jacket and placed it over herself as she snuggled down on one of the small leather couches and closed her eyes, slipping off into a calming sleep.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now