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After school Lexa drove her and Clarke back to her house. They were planning a night in, cuddling and watching movies. Lexa was extremely excited as she drove, she didn't want to let the blonde know how much she loved cuddling. But she did, she was a huge cuddler.

When they reached Lexa's house they went straight to the kitchen to grab snacks. "Do you have ice cream?" Clarke asked excitedly, jumping up and down on her toes like a child. Lexa laughed at her adorable girlfriend, "yes baby, which flavour?" She questioned sweetly, opening the freezer so Clarke could see. "Oh my god! You have chocolate fudge brownie! I love you!" The blonde squealed, grabbing the pot of ice cream out of the freezer. "You better share that with me," Lexa smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Neverrrrr!" Clarke screeched running away with the ice cream and a spoon. Lexa ran after her all around the house, "I think I'm gonna die!" Clarke panted breathlessly, she had to admit she was rather unfit, unlike her girlfriend who had nearly caught up with her. "Just give up and I won't have to tickle you," Lexa suggested getting nearer. Clarke briefly turned around and stuck out her tongue as Lexa lunged forwards knocking the girl over.

Lexa landed on top of Clarke, holding herself up by the arms so she didn't crush the smaller girl. "Tickle time!" She shouted as she began to tickle Clarke under the arms and on her stomach. "Okay okay stopppp!" The blonde squealed underneath Lexa who was enjoying this way too much. "Say you'll share the ice cream with me!" She demanded as she kept tickling the squirming girl. "I'll share it!" She managed to crack out. Lexa stopped tickling her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, "your so cute like this," Lexa murmured, her body still lightly pressed on top of Clarke's. "Call me cute again and I'll murder you," Clarke replied with a scrunched up nose as she realised the positioning they were in. The two girls were very close and she was trying to look away from Lexa's exposed neck. "No you won't," Lexa answered with a smirk, whispering against the blondes ear, making a shiver shoot down her spine. "Try me," Clarke replied, trying to force the confidence in her voice, not wanting to admit the things that she was feeling with Lexa this close to her. "You love me too much, plus your way too adorable to kill me," Lexa retorted with a cheeky grin. Clarke just looked at the girl with a death glare, her nose still scrunched because she knew it was true. They laid a couple of minutes in silence, just staring into each other's eyes, tension building. Reluctantly Lexa rolled off of Clarke and stood up, helping the blonde off the floor. "Let's go watch a movie and eat ice cream before it all melts." She suggested, their hands still intertwined. Clarke just nodded in return, her throat burning with desire for Lexa after their encounter on the floor.

Hand in hand, the two teenagers made their way upstairs to Lexa's bedroom with their snacks and drinks. "So what do you want to watch?" Lexa asked as they threw themselves side by side onto the soft bed. "Hmmmmm, what about Frozen." Clarke suggested excitedly. Lexa laughed at the suggestion then turned to see Clarke was completely serious. "Seriously Clarke?" She questioned, wide eyed with a giggle. "Your such a meanie bum, I love that movie," Clarke pouted crossing her arms with a pretend huff. "Fine, your such a dork," Lexa laughed as she found the movie. She actually loved Frozen, but she was never going to let her girlfriend know that she knew nearly every word to the whole film, she'd never live that down.

Half way through the movie Lexa had stopped paying attention and was just staring down at her beautiful girlfriend who lay snuggled against her chest, eating melted ice cream. "I love you Clarke," she whispered, letting her hands run gently through the wavy blonde locks of hair. Clarke sat up and looked at Lexa smiling back at her, "I love you too Lex." Lexa suddenly burst into a giggle. "What?! What's funny?" Clarke asked desperately confused. "You have some ice cream on your nose, let me get it for you." Lexa replied, rolling so she was once again on top of Clarke. "Ugh, fight me," Clarke challenged as she was pinned under the hot brunette again. Lexa leant her head down, slowly licking the ice cream off of the blondes nose making her squirm beneath her at the touch. "You know Clarke, I'm starting to think you like it when I pin you underneath me." The brunettes grin turned into a seductive smirk. Clarke choked at the words, a lump forming in her throat as she was unable to speak. The blonde felt her skin rise in temperature as Lexa stared down at her lips whilst biting her own. "Choked for words are we?" Lexa questioned cockily, her hot breath sending electric bolts through Clarke's body. Gulping Clarke shut her eyes, feeling a pair of lips on hers.

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