t w e n t y n i n e

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⚠️SMUT WARNING - you don't have to read, doesn't effect the storyline ⚠️

Hurriedly Lexa pushed open the door to her bedroom and walked over to the bed, laying Clarke on her back. The brunette quickly made her way over and slammed the door shut again, before turning round to see the blonde stripping her clothing away. Lexa hummed in appreciation as she devoured the blonde with her eyes, slowly taking steps towards her.

Lexa reached the girl, grabbing the hem of her shirt, pulling it off smoothly, before reaching round to unclasp her bra. Letting the bra fall to the ground, Lexa began to place soft kisses down Clarke's jawline to her neck, earning a response of light moans that the blonde was trying to keep in. Lexa's hands wrapped around the blondes waist, pulling their bodies together.

Lexa wanted to hear those beautiful sounds escape Clarke's mouth again and so she began to bite and suck on the most sensitive area of her neck. "Lexa-" the girl mumbled as she threw her head back in ecstasy, giving the brunette more room to attack her neck. Clarke's stomach was on fire and she could feel the heat and wetness seeping through her pants as Lexa's kisses got lower, circling her breasts.

Lexa pushed Clarke back onto the bed so she was looking up at her. Her blue eyes were clouded with desire as she stared up at her beautiful girlfriends lustful and powerful green ones. Lexa smiled at the clear vulnerability that Clarke displayed in the moment, she was only wearing her trousers, Lexa still fully clothed, but not for long.

At that thought Lexa placed another passionate kiss to Clarke's lips before throwing off her own shirt. Clarke took that minute to watch and admire Lexa's perfectly toned body, she loved to trail her fingers over Lexa's solid abs and her soft breasts. "And the bra," Clarke whispered, her breath catching as Lexa smirked and obeyed, allowing the bra to fall to the ground. Clarke didn't dare stare away from the beautiful sight in front of her, she wanted to just hold and squeeze them in her hands. The blonde reached out for Lexa's boobs as the girl approached her but was stopped by Lexa's hand and soft voice. "Let me take care of you first baby girl." The pet name cause a volcano to erupt inside of Clarke and the blonde could feel her heat getting wetter and wetter by the second. With a gulp Clarke nodded, allowing Lexa to straddle her and begin massaging her breasts in her warm hands. As Lexa massaged the blondes perfect breasts she purposely avoided the girls ever hardening nipples. Clarke released a small string of moans as her girlfriend touched her ways that could quite honestly make her come undone on the spot. "Lex- more," she managed to groan in between pleasurable moans. Lexa was happy to oblige, quickly attaching her mouth to Clarke's hardened nipples, sucking and biting on one, while she pinched the other. Lexa revelled in the sounds coming from Clarke's mouth, and couldn't wait until she was screaming her name so loud all the neighbours would hear. The thought of others hearing turned Lexa on even more as she nipped harder at the buds in her mouth.

The blondes hands were tangled in her girlfriends hair, moans escaping her parched lips as Lexa moved her free hand down her back. Clarke's eyes closed shut in pleasure as Lexa continued to suck on her exposed breast. Clarke's eyes were still closed then she felt her body flinch and jolt with pleasure as Lexa's fingers dipped below the waistband of her trousers, stroking over the front of her underwear. Lexa popped her mouth off of Clarke's nipple, moving slowly down the blondes body, her hands exploring every inch of the blondes canvas. Like usual Lexa took her time, pressing light loving kisses over each one of her scars. Once Lexa had finished she moved her hands down again, pulling Clarke's trousers and underwear down as she went. The brunette continued to pepper kisses down Clarke's body, inching closer to the girls sensitive areas. Clarke's eyes fluttered open as she jolted her hips up, wanting more contact from Lexa. "Fuck," she breathed out heavily watching the brunette lick lines along her thighs.

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