t w e n t y t w o

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Clarke woke up the next morning dressed in her tear stained clothes from the previous evening. The banging headache present in her mind was the evident result of how she drank herself sick. The blonde turned to her side, noticing the brunette she loved was not at her side. Knowing that Lexa wouldn't come back made Clarke's heart break all over again.

Clarke sat down on the sofa as she slipped a pain killer down her throat, followed by a large gulp of water. The blonde fiddled with her phone between her fingers as she anxiously thought of texting the brunette.

After an hour of thinking and Raven and Octavia staring worriedly at their friend she gave in. "Just call her already," Raven snapped making Clarke look up at her friend. "I can't, I told her I don't love her, I fucked up, plus she was kissing another girl, she knows I'm insecure already!" Clarke replied, a fresh set of tears brimming at her eyes. "I'm sure she's just as fragile and alone as you right now, call her and fix things before it's too late." Octavia chimed in, taking a seat next to Clarke, rubbing her back in small circles of comfort. The blonde gulped visibly and nodded, scrolling to Lexa's contact and dialing her number.

"Lexa?"Clarke sniffled as the phone stoped ringing. "What do you want?" A harsh voice came from the other line. Clarke tried to brush off the hostile tone and focused on the fact that it wasn't Lexa's voice as she continued to talk. "Sorry who is this and where is Lexa?" Clarke heard a scoff come from the other end of the phone, "Im Anya, Lexa's older sister, I had to fly for three hours here this morning because I had a call from the hospital. Your the one who fucking broke her, and now she's in hospital because she ran in-front of a car. Do you want to hear the last text she sent me?" Anya's angry, emotional voice echoed through the phone. Clarke gulped visibly, tears taking over her face once again as flashes from last night came back to her. "She said that she was sorry that she was weak, she said that she was sorry that she couldn't live a life without you in it. She fucking loved you Clarke, and all you did was screw her over and break her heart. If she dies, I hope you know, it's your fault." Clarke began to shake as guilt and heartbreak took over her body, "I'm coming to the hospital, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" she was cut off by Anya's harsh tone once again. "Don't bother. You were right, she does deserve better than you." Once the girl had finished she hung up immediately, leaving Clarke to fall on the floor as she shook and cried in agony. "What have I done?" She muttered as she brought her knees into her stomach and curled up into a ball on her living room floor. Raven and Octavia has heard the whole conversation, dropping to Clarke's side they brought her into a tight hold.

"Clarke this isn't your fault okay? Now get up, I'm driving you to the hospital," Octavia said as she stood, offering her friend a hand up. Clarke looked at her and shook her head, "it's all my fault, why didn't I believe her? You heard her sister, she doesn't want me there, hell, I didn't even know she had a sister, that's how well I really knew her." Clarke spluttered as the uncontrollable tears rushed down her flushed cheeks. "We are going to the hospital Clarke, your going to make things right when she wakes up, and maybe she had a good reason for not telling you about her sister. Come on," Raven said as she pulled the blonde mess to her feet. The three friends slipped on their shoes and jackets and headed towards the hospital.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now