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Clarke woke early the next morning as she sat up on the couch, her mind wandering back to what happened last night. Slowly she stood up, noticing Lexa must still be here as her shoes were by the door. Clarke made her way to the kitchen and made herself a black coffee, before sitting on one of the bar stools and opening her computer.

Today was Sunday, she began her new school tomorrow and so she decided to begin some of the reading work she'd been set.

After an hour she heard light footsteps coming up the hallway. Clarke snapped her head to the side to see Lexa standing in front of her. The brunettes morning hair settled messily around her neck, her shirt was completely buttoned up, her tie and blazer on.

"Morning Lexa," Clarke spoke in a soft, comforting voice, making sure to not make Lexa's obvious hangover worse. The taller brunette nodded and walked towards to door, silently slipping her shoes on. "How are you feeling? Do you want some coffee or breakfast?" Clarke asked as she walked towards Lexa.

The brunette scoffed, "I don't stick around after one night stands blondie." Clarke gulped and looked up at Lexa's eyes, "Uh, we didn't-" Clarke cut herself off not wanting to make the situation anymore awkward. Lexa visibly blushed and remembered that she had woken up in her suit, the place next to her on the bed untouched. "What happened then?"

Clarke walked back toward the kitchen and poured a mug of coffee out for Lexa before sliding it across the counter to the brunette who eyed it carefully. "I didn't poison it Lex." Clarke said with a slight laugh. Lexa's heart fluttered at the nickname. The only person that called her Lex was Lincoln, but coming from the blondes mouth it sounded so much better.

Slowly she approached the kitchen and took a seat in front of Clarke. "Where did you sleep?" Lexa pryed with questions. Clarke thought back to her comfy night, "on the sofa." She replied plainly. Lexa gulped, guilt erupting through her body as she pictured the girl sleeping on the small sofa. "Sorry."

"How much do you remember?" The blonde asked curiously before taking a sip from her new mug of black coffee. Lexa gulped wrapping her hands around her mug, "I remember you telling me I was a stone cold bitch in the garden, then I got some tequila, then I woke up here. Did you ever tell me your name?" She questioned trying to meet Clarke's beautiful blue eyes.

"I never told you it,  but you seemed to know it when you followed me home last night." Clarke winked with an amused look on her face. Lexa kept her normal straight face but was awfully embarrassed on the inside. "And why did I follow you home? I don't follow girls, they chase me." She said sternly.

Clarke laughed, "your too full of yourself Lexa. Here I thought you deep down wanted to do something nice, but like you said last night. It was just the alcohol." Lexa looked at the blonde with a confused look, but the blonde now had her back facing Lexa as she washed up their coffee mugs.

"What?" Lexa asked trying to get a response out of the blonde. Clarke shook her head and walked past Lexa after speaking up, "I'll see you around Woods." Then she walked down the hallway to her room and closed the door.

A deep feeling set in the bottom of Clarke's stomach, for some reason she was effected, and felt sad that Lexa didn't remember last night, that she didn't know her name. She had thought that maybe, just maybe, the beautiful brunette had really wanted to make sure the blonde arrived home okay.

But no, it was the ungodly amount of alcohol that she had consumed that previous night that had made her care. A few minutes later Clarke heard the front door open and slam, and then there was silence.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now