t h i r t y o n e

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Lexa was staring at Clarke who was sitting opposite her eating her breakfast very slowly. She could tell the girl was nervous about something. "Babe, what's wrong?" The brunette asked softly, reaching her hand over, slipping it on top of the blondes. Clarke shook her head, steering her eyes away from Lexa's gaze, "Uh it's nothing." Lexa frowned slightly, "Clarke, you know you can tell me or ask me anything right?" Clarke gulped largely and slowly looked up at her worried girlfriends face, letting out a sigh.

"I was just thinking, and you don't have too, but I was wondering if..." she stopped nervously fiddling with her fingers in her lap. "I wanted you to meet my mum." Lexa stayed quiet for a minute which made Clarke's heart begin to pump faster in her chest. "I'm sorry, you don't have too. Forget I said anything," she mumbled standing up and turning around so her back was facing Lexa.

The brunette stood up and walked behind Clarke, wrapping her arms tightly around her waist, placing kisses on her neck. "I'd love to meet your mother, and your sister too, but I just don't think I can go to your house. Not yet my love, if that's okay with you." Clarke instantly nodded in understanding as she shuffled around to face Lexa. The blonde looked up, her blue eyes meeting her favourite green ones that smiled down at her. "Why don't I cook for you all tonight?" Lexa beamed down at her girlfriend. Clarke grinned excitedly, leaning up on her tip toes to place a soft kiss on Lexa's lips. "I'll help."

Clarke texted her mum and planned they'd come over around 7. "Clarke, does your mum know who I am?" Lexa asked calmly. "She knows I'm bisexual, but I haven't told her your my girlfriend yet, I was hoping we could tell her tonight. Together?" The blonde asked sheepishly. Lexa smiled widely at the girl nodding, "of course baby, we do it all together."

Seven rolled around too quickly for the girls liking, both were extremely nervous about the evening. They had spent all day cleaning and cooking, making sure everything would be perfect for the night. The two had prepared home made garlic bread for the starter, sausage and fennel pasta for the main and chocolate cake for desert. Lexa had found her favourite bottle of wine and set the table with flowers and candles. Whilst Clarke lay cutlery out and cleaned the living room a little.

"Let's get ready baby," Lexa said as she took Clarke's hand, leading her up the stairs. They had about twenty minutes before Clarke's family arrived, just enough time to get changed and do a little makeup. "What are you wearing Lex?" Clarke asked nervously as they walked into her room. "I was thinking maybe my grey suit and white blouse, light makeup, if that's okay with you?" She smiled making her way towards the YouTube. Clarke smiled at the nerves in Lexa's voice and her choice of clothing, "sounds perfect baby."

The two girls got ready together, Clarke changing her outfit a couple of times, finally settling on a black skirt and white crop top. Clarke had moved half of her wardrobe to Lexa's over the past week as she practically lived here now, but she also loved to steal Lexa's clothes that were slightly baggy over her figure. A few moments later there was a knock on the front door. Clarke turned to Lexa before they opened it, "remember I love you," she whispered, placing a sweet kiss on Lexa's plump lips before placing her hand on the door handle. "I love you too," The brunette replied as the door swung open.

"Clarke!" A squeaky voice screamed. Lexa watched with a smile as Clarke's little sister jumped into her arms, making the blonde stumble back slightly with a laugh. "Hey Mads," the blonde laughed as she finally put her sister back on the floor. Lexa looked up to see Clarke's mother standing also watching them with a wide smile. Clarke moved to give her mum a quick hug and greeting. We all moved inside the house before Clarke made the introductions. "Mum, Madi, this is Lexa, Lexa this is my mum Abby and my sister Madi," she smiled gesturing between us. Lexa smiled and reached out her hand to shake Clarke's mums who gripped her hand firmly and shook with a smile, "nice to meet you Mrs Griffin," The brunette said as they shook hands. "Oh please darling call me Abby," the woman replied cheerily. "Mum, Lexa is my girlfriend," Clarke added, taking Lexa's hand with a squeeze.

Abby looked between the girls sensing their nervousness and nodded her head. She took a step towards Lexa who had started to get scared at the silence. The brunettes breath caught in her throat momentarily before Abby pulled her into a tight hug. When she pulled back it was clear Lexa was shocked but also relieved. Clarke watched the interaction a huge smile on her face. "Welcome to the family Lexa," Abby comforted with a genuine smile. "Thank you Abby,"'Lexa replied, relief in her voice. "Yay I have a new sister!" Madi yelled jumping into Lexa's arms, causing the brunette to chuckle and squeeze her back.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now