f o u r t y t w o

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The day after the wedding Clarke and Lexa flew to their honey moon destination, Hawaii. The plane journey was peaceful, the two newlyweds slept on each others shoulders, their hands linked at all times.

Once they arrived in Hawaii it was early evening, they grabbed their luggage and grabbed a taxi to the place they'd be staying for the week. It was beautiful. From their bedroom they had a wonderful sea view, lines of palm trees also in sight. The sun had began to set and the two girls stood, holding each other, stealing quick kisses as they looked out onto the beach, a glass of wine in hand.

"What would you like do tonight baby?" Lexa asked sweetly as she pressed her lips to her wine glass. Clarke hummed for a minute as she thought, "I need a shower because I stink from the journey, would you like to join me, wife?" She replied, lifting her head up to look at her favourite green pair of eyes. Lexa nodded eagerly, settling her wine glass down on the table in front of them. She then took her lovers hand and walked them towards the bathroom. Lexa would never get used to Clarke calling her 'wife.' She loved it, and every time the word rolled off of Clarke's lips it sent shivers through Lexa's body.

When they entered the bathroom Lexa peeled off Clarke's shirt then quickly unclasped her bra. "Some ones eager," Clarke mocked as she saw Lexa's eyes drop towards her bare breasts. "Always when it comes to you baby," the brunette replied as she took off her own shirt, taking her sports bra off with it. "Now we're even," she smirked as Clarke admired Lexa's toned torso and perky breasts, subconsciously biting her bottom lip. Clarke took a step forward, catching Lexa's lips in her own making the older girl stifle a moan.

As Clarke kissed her she let her hands travel down to Lexa's waist, slowly sliding her jeans below her waist. The blonde pulled away from the kiss, moving down so she could bring Lexa's jeans and underwear down to her feet. Once she was done she stepped back watching Lexa step out of the clothes that were pooled around her feet, kicking them to the corner of the bathroom. "Fuck your so gorgeous," Clarke whispered, her voice husky and filled with desire. Lexa chuckled as she watched Clarke's eyes darken, "take those off baby," Lexa replied gesturing to the remainder of Clarke's clothing. The blonde was more than happy to obey. As Clarke discarded the rest of her clothing, Lexa turned the shower on to heat up a little before they stepped in.

"After you baby," the brunette smiled, taking Clarke's hand so she could carefully step into the shower. Lexa followed suit, pushing Clarke against the wall as soon as she was in. Clarke let out a small whimper as her wife's naked body pushed up on hers. Lexa held Clarke against the wall, leaving a trail of wet kisses along her shoulder blade and neck before stopping on her breast. "Lex-" Clarke moaned out, she wanted more.

"Hmm babygirl...What do you want?" Lexa teased, one hand slowly stroking Clarke's cheek as the other slowly traced down her arm. "Take me Lexa, take me here and now, I'm yours," the blonde panted breathlessly, her voice hitching in her throat as she begged the brunette for more. "You are mine," Lexa repeated inbetween leaving more kisses. Slowly she moved her mouth to one of Clarke's nipples, flicking her tongue over it lightly, getting an amazing reaction of sounds from Clarke.

Suddenly Lexa bit down on her hardened nipple, using one of her hands to massage Clarke's other breast at the same time. Lexa continued this and swapped over to the other breast doing the same, as well as leaning hickeys over Clarke's collarbone. "Lexa.." Clarke dragged out in a moan as the brunette continued to play with her nipples. Clarke's warmth was dripping and tingling and she needed more. "Yes baby?" Lexa questioned sweetly as her hands trailed down past Clarke's waist and to her sensitive thighs. "I need you in me Lexa, please just-" Clarke didn't have to finish, Lexa knew exactly what she wanted and was happy to give it to her.

Suddenly Lexa slipped one finger through Clarke's wet folds, stopping before she reached her sensitive bud. "Hmm Lexa," Clarke groaned as Lexa continued to gently move through her wetness, actively avoiding the blondes clit. "Ready baby?" Lexa asked lovingly as she teased a finger at Clarke's entrance. The blonde was a writing mess, the only thing keeping her upright was the wall and Lexa's hand on her waist. "Please Lex-"

With that Lexa slipped one finger into Clarke. The brunette smiled at Clarke's groans as she began to move her finger in and out at a steady pace. "Fuck Lexa, more," Clarke yelled as she bucked her hips to meet Lexa's thrusts. Lexa added a second finger in, pumping faster and faster, her own clit throbbing at the sounds of pleasure escaping Clarke's lips.

Lexa could feel Clarke's muscles starting to tighten around her fingers and so she began to thrust faster, curling her fingers as she went. Lexa sunk down onto her knees, placing her tongue at Clarke's swollen clit, taking the bud into her mouth. She sucked hard, biting on it and licking small circles as she went, still pushing her fingers at an impressive pace, in and out of Clarke's hole.

"Cum for me baby," Lexa whispered against the blondes wetness. That was all Clarke needed to push her over the edge. The blondes whole body began to shake as she clamped down around Lexa's fingers, pools of wetness gushing out in every direction. Lexa slowed her thrusts slightly, letting Clarke come down from the orgasm that was ripping through her body. "Fuck Lexa-" the blue eyes beauty painted as her wife lapped up her juices with her tongue, slowly pulling her fingers out, also licking her mess off of those. 

"Now your turn," Clarke smirked as she pulled Lexa up and into another heated kiss, turning them around so Lexa was against the wall. The girls were overwhelmed with sensations from what had just happened and the hot water that was dripping down their bodies. "No baby, you look tired, tonight's about you," Lexa replied softly with a genuine smile. Clarke frowned slightly, "are you sure Lex-" the blonde was cut off by another kiss, "I'm sure."

"Can I wash your hair?" Lexa asked sweetly as the two moved to be under the water more. Clarke gave her a small nod and smile as she turned around so her back was facing Lexa.

The brunette gently trailed her hands along Clarke's back, leaving small kisses everywhere as she gave the girl a slight massage. Lexa squeezed a bit of shampoo into her hand and then began to rub it softly into Clarke's long blonde hair. She ran her hands carefully through the beautiful locks as she hummed a settling tune. "I love you Clarke," Lexa whispered in her ear as she washed out the shampoo with the warm water. "I love you too Lex, now let me wash you." The blonde replied, turning round to look her wife in the eyes.

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