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Hey guys this au is pretty close to being done, but the other one on my account is still ongoing and will be longer than this one was so check it out!!

Six months later  - Lexa's POV

Today is the day before I marry Clarke. The day of our bachelorette party. We had given Raven and Octavia control over the night, however we had one rule, our party was going to be together.

"I'm back bitches!" Octavia yelled as she waltzed in through our front door. "Lexa babe, get out of the suit and into something more, easy to move in," she laughed pushing my shoulder playfully. I raised my eyebrow in confusion, "where are we going?" I asked in hope she'd finally tell me. "That's not going to work Woods, just go put on some jeans or something, you'll still look smoking hot, keep the suit for tomorrow," she winked with a smirk.

I nodded reluctantly and went back to my room to get changed. Clarke was at Raven's getting ready and we would be meeting at wherever we were going. I found a pair of leather pants, slipping them on. Then I decided on a white crop top and put on a little more makeup. As I looked in the mirror I smiled nervously, my hands clammy. I was very anxious about tomorrow even though I knew it would be the best day of my life, I had no regrets whatsoever, all I wanted was to live my life with Clarke Griffin. And that would officially start tomorrow.

"You look great," a sincere voice echoed from the door. I turned round to see Octavia beaming at me as she leant on the door frame. I smiled back, "you think?" She nodded walking towards me, pulling me into a tight hug, "we better get going," she whispered pulling away. And so we left. Over the past three years I had become really close with Octavia, she was still dating my cousin Lincoln. We had become best friends and she was my main support during Clarke's time at hospital. We walked outside to see Lincoln waiting for us outside his new sports car, "ladies," he grinned opening the door for us to climb in.

"Put this on," Octavia said passing me a blindfold. "Seriously O?" I questioned with a mocking tone as I took it from her hand. "Stop being stubborn Woods, this will be the best night of your life." I smirked as I put it on, "no that'll be tomorrow when I'm fucking my wife." My response made Octavia and Lincoln burst out laughing and I felt a playful slap on my shoulder, "didn't need to know that," she replied.

A few minutes later I felt the car come to a stop and felt the cool evening breeze as the door opened. "This way," Lincoln spoke as he linked our arms leading me to wherever we were going. "Okay you can both take your blindfolds off in, three, two, one!" I quickly tore my blindfold off and threw it on the floor as my eyes met Clarke's. She looked stunning like usual, her blonde hair hung in ringlets down the side of her face, she wore light make up and tight blue jeans that showed off all her curves. She wore a white T-shirt with a red flannel shirt tied around her waist. A smile appeared on my face as I stepped closer to the woman I loved. "You look stunning baby," I whispered as I placed my hands on her hips lightly. Her adorable face beamed up at me, her chin lifted so she could look into my eyes, "you look hot Woods," she whispered as she leaned into my ear, wrapping her arms around my neck. A shiver jolted down my back as her hot breath tickled against my neck. Pulling away from my neck she went on her tiptoes placing a gentle kiss to my lips. "I love you," I murmured against her lips, feeling her smile widen, "I love you too," she hummed in response.

"Okay okay you guys can do that for the rest of your lives, now let's have some fun!" Raven shouted making me and Clarke pull away from the kiss with a slight chuckle and flush of embarrassment.

We turned to face the others, standing side by side, my arm still wrapped around her waist. I looked at everyone who was here, Octavia, Raven and her boyfriend Finn, Lincoln, Anya and her girlfriend Luna and Madi and her best friend Aden. "So what are we doing?" I asked eagerly as everyone walked towards us and stood in a circle. "Lazer Tag, Team Griffin VS team Woods," Anya smirked excitedly. Clarke was jumping up and down with excitement, "What are the teams?"

"Clarke's teammates are Raven, Madi, Finn and Aden, and Lexa has me, Luna, Lincoln and Octavia," Anya smiled. I cheered giving my teammates high fives. Letting go of Clarke's waist I turned to face her, placing my head against hers, "your going down babe," I grinned. Clarke gulped, her lip turning up slightly, "we'll see about that sugar."

We all went into the building and got on the gear for the Lazer Tag. The workers explained everything to us and then let us into the arena. "The round starts when the buzzer goes off, enjoy," the worker said through the microphone so we could hear. Anya, Luna and I ran towards the main ramp while Octavia and Lincoln scouted out the rest of the arena before the buzzer sounded.

For a few minutes we discussed tactics and then the buzzer sounded loudly. "Go go go!" Anya yelled. Me and Octavia ran down the ramp to find and shoot the others because we were the fastest, while the others guarded our base. I ran around a corner, checking before I went. I saw Clarke standing against a wall, her Lazer gun in her arms as she looked round. I had a plan.

"Hey baby," I said softly as I walked towards her with my hands up. I watched carefully as Clarke eyed me suspiciously. "Lexa run before I shoot you," she said as I neared her. "Don't shoot me baby," I replied as I stood in front of her. I kept walking, making her back up until she was against the wall. Leaning in I placed my lips on hers passionately, lifting my hands to run through her hair as we went. I felt Clarke relax into the kiss as she dropped her gun letting it hang around her neck. Her hands moved to my waist pulling me closer so that our bodies were pressed up against each other.

After a few minutes of making out I pulled away. I stepped backwards quickly and shot at Clarke a couple of times watching her flustered face become angry as her nose scrunched, it was adorable. "Catch you later baby," I winked before turning and running away. I heard Clarke's huff and tell of "I'm gonna get you for that!" As I ran away laughing.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now