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Time skip to Friday -

Clarke had settled in well to all of her classes over the past week. She shared her math class with Raven and her Biology and History classes with Octavia. Today she had sports class, which she absolutely dreaded. Clarke had a good figure, but she wasn't one for extensive amounts of exercise. Running was not her thing, neither was football or basketball, or any exercise that required a lot of effort. She was more of an artsy kid, as she was growing up her dad had taught her how to play guitar, and she had taken an absolute passion into drawing and painting.

As Clarke made her way to the locker rooms to change for class she found herself worrying about making new friends in this class. Neither raven nor Octavia shared this period with her, and she wasn't thrilled at the idea of being alone.

On entering the locker room the blonde became very nervous. She was a very self conscious person, and this was her idea of hell. Clarke made her way to one of the corners and sat on the bench as she waited for her other classmates to leave the room.

"You know, the last one out has to do 50 push ups." A familiar voice mocked from across the room. Clarke lifted her head to see Lexa pulling her football jersey over her toned abs. Gulping Clarke looked away again, "then i might not go out at all."

The brunette finished tying her shoelaces then made her way over to where Clarke was sitting and perched down on the bench opposite her. "You okay Griffin?" She asked, a hint of sincerity in her voice. Clarke didn't dare look up and she didn't say a word.

"I don't mind being the last out, but you'll have to change pretty fast or it'll be both of us doing the extra workout." Lexa spoke with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm sorry, I just can't do this." Clarke whispered shyly as she began to fiddle with her fingers in her lap, a few stray tears escaping her eyes. The brunette stared at the blonde, her heart aching from seeing her in distress, not knowing the reason. They sat in a few more minutes silence before Lexa stood up and got changed back into her suit.

"Come on Griffin." She gestured towards the door as she held her hand out towards Clarke who was still staring at the ground. "What?" The blonde managed to croak out as she stared at Lexa's outstretched hand. "We're skipping, it's clear this place isn't doing you any good, so I'm taking you somewhere. Now take my hand and let's go, don't leave me hanging Grif."

Without second guessing or thinking about it at all Clarke grabbed Lexa's hand and let the brunette pull her through the school and out of the back gates. She didn't know where she was going, or if she could trust the mysterious girl, but she knew she wanted out of that locker room, and this was that way out.

The two girls climbed into Lexa's convertible, sitting in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. "Sure your okay with this?" Lexa asked wanting reassurance from the girl she practically dragged out of school. Clarke replied with a small nod, and that's all it took for Lexa to start up the engine and speed down the road.

Both girls were unsure as to what was happening, or why. Lexa didn't do this. Sure she skipped classes, quite frequently in fact, but never sport, it was her favourite and she was the star student.

And she sure as hell would never take anyone with her, let alone take anyone to the place she was about to show Clarke.

Clarke on the other hand has never skipped school. Her old school let her wear whatever she wanted for sport, so she'd come in that day dressed in trackies and a hoodie. She had no clue in the slightest why she was suddenly skipping class, and above that, she was doing it with Lexa, probably the most dangerous and scary person in the school. But she was. And it didn't feel completely wrong.

After a thirty minute drive they pulled up at the side of a lake. "It's a little walk to the place I want to take you, if that's okay." Lexa spoke, Clarke noticed the softness in tone compared to all the other times she'd spoken to her, and it made her smile as she nodded.

The two clambered out of the car and began to walk side by side in a comfortable silence, Lexa leading the way through the woods next to the lake.

After a short walk they arrived in a clearing, one tall tree stood in the centre proudly. Lexa walked round the other side of the tree and gestured to the ladder that hung down, "ladies first," she smirked smugly as Clarke looked in awe at her surroundings.

The blonde didn't hesitate to scramble up the ladder, curious to see what waited at the top, Lexa not far behind. "Wow," Clarke gasped as she looked around the small treehouse.

It was square shaped, a decent sized couch along one wall, opposite it a huge window that took up nearly the whole wall. To the left of the couch was a simple record player and a stack of old vinyls, accompanied by a small coffee table that acquired a fake plant. I'm the right side of the couch was a wooden counter top with a few mugs and a pot of coffee. As Clarke wandered over to the window Lexa let out a small but genuine laugh, "that's the first time you've spoken." Clarke didnt say anything for a little while and continued to look out the window at the marvellous view of the lake that was surrounded by trees.

"What is this place?" She asked turning around to face Lexa, who was now sitting on the couch smiling at the blonde. "It's my happy place, the place I come too when I just need to forget about the world and be alone a while. It's got everything I need for some me time." Clarke nodded, "it's beautiful, but why did you bring me here if it's so special to you?" She asked curiously making her way over to the sofa, sitting down to face the brunette. Lexa didn't really know why she'd brought Clarke here, no one had ever been here except for Lexa's father who had built it for her.

"I saw how uncomfortable you were in the locker room, how scared you looked, how worried. And I couldn't think of a better place to bring you, I know we don't know each other well, and I know what you think of me Clarke," she paused, her eyes softening as they met with those beautiful blue ones, "but I'm here if you want to talk. And if you don't, that's okay too."

Clarke was confused, but she was happy. She was seeing a new side of Lexa, one that she believed was rarely shown to anyone. She didn't know why she had the privilege to know this side of her but she wasn't going to complain.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now