n i n e

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The next morning Clarke remembered that she was going to see her mum and sister for dinner, and she had promised to take Lexa for a coffee. Rolling over slowly with a groan she grabbed her phone, texting Lexa a time and place. The blonde had just over an hour to get ready before she left, and for some reason she wanted to make a special effort.

Lexa had seen her at her worst yesterday, when she was a crying mess, her makeup ruined, her hair scruffy. But today, for a reason she couldn't quite explain to herself, she wanted to look good. Really good.

Lexa smiled when she saw the text from Clarke. They were going to meet for lunch at a local cafe in a couple of hours. Not having many friends meant Lexa didn't really go out with anyone other than herself and her cousin, and so she was extremely excited, though she wasn't going to let anyone know that.

The brunette quickly got changed into some grey checked suit trousers and a white button up, before slipping on her matching grey blazer and spraying herself with her favourite perfume. Looking in the mirror she gave herself a smile, she had to admit, her new diet and work out routines had her looking great.

Lexa clambered down the stairs and into the kitchen, a wide smile on her face as she made herself an iced coffee. "Why the hell are you so happy?" Lincoln questioned in shock. Lexa whipped her head round to look at her cousin, "am I not allowed to smile dear cousin?" She asked in retaliation. Lincoln shook his head, "no, it's creepy." The two laughed at this remark as Lexa threw a middle finger up at her cousin playfully, before returning to her coffee.

"I'm going out for lunch with a friend today Lincoln, I'll see you tonight." Lincoln laughed, "let me guess, Clarke?" Lexa nodded as a slight blush appeared on her face. "You totally have a thing for her," he mocked grabbing the waffle that Lexa had just picked up out of her hands. "I do not!" Lexa replied cooly with a harsh tone laced in her voice. Lincoln replied with a chuckle and a head shake before walking out, leaving Lexa to her own thoughts.

Did she have a thing for Clarke? Honestly she wasn't sure. It was possible, the blonde was most easily the most beautiful girl she had ever laid her eyes on. And she was betraying her cold nature, she had let herself care about the girl, she had begun to let her real self through around her. But even if she did have a thing for her, it's not like Clarke would reciprocate the same feelings.

Clarke had arrived at the cafe a little early and decided to wait outside for Lexa to arrive. It was a chilly day and she'd forgotten her jacket, but she relentlessly stood there, letting the cool midday breeze blow through her hair, the blonde had decided to wear a short black dress with beautifully intricate laced arms. She also wore a pair of black leggings underneath the dress due to the cold weather, matched with her black vans. She had tied her hair up in a messy bun, a few stray ringlets of blonde dropped down either side of her face. Her makeup was just natural but she had applied a little more mascara than usual, insuring her eye colour would pop.

"Clarke! You look freezing! Let's get you inside!" A worried voice came from behind her. Before Clarke could look behind her to confirm it was the brunette, she felt a hand touch the small of her back and guide her into the cafe. "Table for two please," Lexa asked politely before taking off her jacket.

She stood behind Clarke as they waited to be taken to their table. Not wanting the blonde to freeze to death she placed her suit jacket around Clarke's shoulders and gave them a small rub. Clarke looked over her shoulder and smiled at the brunette, her eyes full of appreciation.

The two girls were seated and began to scan through the menu. Lexa however took every opportunity possible to glance at the gorgeous girl that sat innocently opposite her. She admired Clarke's dress, it fitted her curves perfectly, her make up wasn't too much, but really made her ocean blue eyes stand out. She couldn't keep lying to herself, she was definitely attracted to this girl.

Clarke held in a giggle as she noticed Lexa looking up at her from behind the menu a few times. She had guessed that the brunette enjoyed the sight of what lay before her. Clarke was in awe herself at how hot Lexa looked. She'd noticed the girls beauty many times before. But this time she was fully taking it in, Lexa rocked a suit.

"What can I get for you cutie," the waitress said as she approached the table, clearly talking to Clarke. The blonde blushed at the unexpected nickname and looked down to the menu uncomfortably. "Uh, just a ham and cheese toastie and a black coffee please." She replied shyly. Clarke hated when strangers flirted with her, and she was even more embarrassed because Lexa was present. Lexa watched the encounter, a heavy feeling in her heart as she stared at the waitress, her eyes like daggers. "Of course hottie," she replied with a wink. Lexa's blood was boiling as she watched the waiter flirt with Clarke, oblivious to her company.

"And for you?" She asked dryly to Lexa. "I'd appreciate if you stop making her uncomfortable, can't you see she has company?" Lexa almost spat at the waitress, her tone angry. "And what are you? Her girlfriend?" The waitress mocked with a laugh. "Yeah and I don't like it when other people flirt with her and make her feel uncomfortable." Lexa replied quickly, earning a shocked glance from Clarke. The waitress was taken a back but collected herself quickly. "What do you want to eat?" She questioned again with a fake smile plastered on her face. "Same as her," Lexa replied flatly before the waitress nodded and walked away.

"Thank you Lex, so I'm your girlfriend now?" Clarke smirked in a teasing manner. Earning a deadly look from Lexa who she could tell was trying to hide a blush. The brunette stayed quite but didn't once take her eyes off of Clarke. "Maybe I wouldn't mind that." Clarke added flirtatiously, mimicking the wink that the waitress had shown her earlier.

Before Lexa could think of a sarcy reply, that could hide her real feelings the same waitress walked over, two coffees in her hand. "Can I get you anything else? My number perhaps?" The confident red headed waiter smirked as she moved closer to Clarke.

Clarke's face turned a deeper shade of red in embarrassment, she didn't want to turn down the girl and be rude, but she already had eyes for someone else. Before Clarke could reply, Lexa spoke again, the anger evident in her voice. "Excuse me? Did you not hear me the last time? Maybe you should get your hearing checked." The red head looked at Lexa and held her hands up, "you guys don't exactly look like a couple." She snarled. Lexa didn't know why but this sentence angered her, and Clarke could see it. Lexa wasn't with Clarke, but it didn't mean she hadn't thought of it, and she thought they'd make a cute couple, who was this stranger to talk to her like this

The blonde reached across the table, placing her hands on top of Lexas slightly bigger ones to help calm her down. "I'm sorry if our relationship doesn't look like it should to you. Please leave us alone." Lexa said after taking a deep breath. As she said this her voice remained cool and collected, she didn't want to show Clarke how much this affected her. But Clarke could see it, and the thought of Lexa being jealous made her crack a smile. However the blonde was shocked once again when she heard Lexa mention their relationship. These words made Clarke freeze, she zoned out a little, only to be pulled out of her trance by Lexa stroking a finger over her hand softly.

"Sorry for my outburst, I just noticed you were uncomfortable, sorry if I stepped out of line." Clarke shook her head subtly, all her confidence that she had after the first encounter had gone. "It's okay, thank you Lex, your a very good and protective fake girlfriend," Clarke spoke, her voice came out a lot softer than she meant it too.

Lexa offered up a smile, but her head was racing, telling her she wish it wasn't fake. But Clarke's compliments were genuine and caused a light feeling to replace the heavy one that had previously laid on her chest.

Clarke's head was also swimming with thoughts. And her feelings for the brunette were only growing stronger by every minute she spent with the girl. The fact that their hands were still intertwined didn't help her as she tried to push the feelings away. She wondered whether there was any hint of reality and want behind Lexa pretending to be her girlfriend to help her out in her uncomfortable situation. But she knew she was overthinking it, Lexa was just being a good friend.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now