t w e n t y f o u r

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The girl let her legs walk her away, extremely slowly. Arriving at the front door of the hospital she walked out without a glance back. "Clarke?" Anya's voice came worriedly from in front of her. Clarke kept her head hung low, "she's awake, she'll never forgive me. I'm sorry." She said as she walked past Anya. "Clarke-" Anya grasped desperately as she turned Clarke around, "Don't give up. She will always love you." Anya was answered with a small nod before the girl pulled out of her grip and walked away into the cool night breeze.

"Stop being so stubborn." Anya stared blankly as she walked into her sisters room and plumped harshly down on the seat next to her sister. "Nice to see you too Anya, I'm fine after coming out my months coma thanks, how are you?" Lexa mocked sarcastically. Anya gave her sister a brief smile, "I'm glad your back Lex. But you two are such fools." Lexa looked at her sister with a confused expression. "I'm talking about you and Clarke. I know she broke you, but you also know the girl, she has more insecurities than anyone we've ever known, and she just thought you'd be happier with someone else, especially when she saw you snogging another girl." Anya said eyeing her sister who looked shocked that she was defending her. "Why are you defending her Anya? She's the reason I'm like this. She hurt me too." Anya gulped and nodded, "she didn't want me to tell you, but she's been here the whole month. I wouldn't let her see you. She slept here, she ate here, she convinced her mum to let her shower here. She didn't leave the waiting room once. And today was the first day I let her see you. She made the biggest mistake of her life. And she hates herself for it." Lexa watched her sister and felt the tears rolling down her cheeks. "You just need to help her love herself too, I know you still love her." The brunette nodded lightly, "I do. But how can I just forgive her for what she said? I just need time Anya." She croaked as she tried to sit up. Her sister nodded, "time is fine, just don't give up Lex," she replied squeezing her sisters hand in return. Lexa gave another small nod before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.

"She needs rest, we want to keep her a few days for check ups, but by Friday she should be able to go home." One of the doctors said to Anya who replied thankfully in return. "Go home and get some rest for the night, come back in the morning." The doctor suggested. Anya sighed heavily, "I might just do that, thanks doc, not sure I can take another night sleeping upright in a chair." The doctor gave a small chuckle followed by a concerned look as Anya walked out the door.

Hey folks

Sorry this part is short it was supposed to be part of the previous chapter but I didn't realise.

I've started to upload my second clexa au 'it's always been you' please check it out (it's better written than this one cause I've taken a lot more time on it)

Let me know your thoughts on both the AUs though and follow my insta

If your looking for more clexa AUs I'm writing a joint one in instagram
@clexaaukom2020 with my best friend and im very proud of that one!

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now