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Two hours later -

"You know what? I like you Woods your actually a lot of fun." Raven cheered in a slurred voice. All the girls were laughing and cheering as they finished the last of the alcohol. "Not so bad yourself Reyes!" Lexa replied with a smile. Clark was now almost asleep as her friends kept chatting. She was snuggled up, curled into Lexa's side, the brunettes left arm tightly wrapped around her.

Lexa watched Clarke sleep peacefully for a couple minutes, blocking out all the noise around her. "Lexa!" Octavia's voice shouted cause her to snap her head up, "hmm?" She replied. The two other girls laughed as they had watched her admiring Clarke for the past few minutes. Lexa blushed knowing they'd caught her staring, "I think I'll carry her to bed, which ones her room?" Lexa asked sweetly as she carefully got up, attempting to not wake Clarke. "Lex-" a tired voice mumbled as the brunette scooped her onto her arms and began to carry her down the hallway. "Shh shh it's okay baby, go back to sleep, I'm taking you to bed." The blonde nodded slightly,her eyes fluttering closed again. "Stay with me." Is the last thing she mumbled before falling back into the abyss of sleep.

The next day Lexa woke up first, her body tangled with Clarke's, the blondes messy hair was sprawled out over Lexa's chest. She watched for a few minutes admiring the cute little snores that were coming from her mouth. "Clarke baby, you need to wake up we've got school." Lexa whispered softly into her girlfriends ear. "Nooo I want to stay with you and cuddle," the blonde groaned sleepily. Lexa thought she was absolutely adorable, and wished they could stay here all day and just snuggle in each other's warmth, but she knew they couldn't miss more school. "Baby you know I'd love to stay here with you all day, but we've both missed too much school." Clarke nodded slowly, "one more minute," she replied in a voice that Lexa just couldn't refuse. Lexa pulled the blonde closer to her chest holding her tightly.

"Come on, we can cuddle all night," she whispered slowly sitting up. The blondes beautiful blue eyes fluttered open, "I'm holding you to that Woods," she grinned leaning up to place a kiss on her girlfriends lips. Clarke felt Lexa's smile as she kissed her gently. "You better," the brunette replied as she pulled away.

The two got up and got changed for school, Lexa in her attire from the day before as Clarke didn't have any suits that she could wear. Clarke wore some black skinny jeans and a Queen T-shirt along with a black leather jacket. "You look hot," Clarke giggles walking towards her girlfriend who was tying her tie. "And you look adorable," Lexa replied with a smirk. With that remark Clarke scrunched her nose in embarrassment.

Hand in hand the two teens grabbed some coffee and headed towards the school. "So are you gonna be your usual self in school, or are you gonna notice my existence?" Clarke asked, a slight bit of sadness in her voice. "Oh baby people are going to know your mine." Lexa smirked wrapping her arm around Clarke's waist as they walked through the school gates.

Many heads turned to look at the two girls, they were easily the best looking power couple in the school. Clarke chuckled nervously as she realised the gasps and whispers where about her. "It's okay baby," Lexa whispered softly in her ear, noticing the girl had tensed slightly. With reassurance from Lexa, Clarke relaxed into the brunettes side, earning a gentle kiss on her head. "What class do you have first?" Lexa asked sweetly as they stopped by Clarke's locker, "Biology," she replied with an eye roll. Lexa laughed at her reaction to the subject, "I'll walk you there, I have chemistry, which I know I'd get an A* in if you were there." Clarke rolled her eyes again at the awful joke trying to hide her laugh. "Smooth babe, real smooth."

The two walked along the corridors to the science rooms hand in hand. They felt everyone's stares on them, especially when they saw Lexa crack a few smiles and laughs at the blondes comments. But every time Lexa looked back at on of the bystanders she shot them an evil glare so they knew to not mess with either of them. Clarke found this hilarious, watching as people quickly looked away avoiding Lexa's scary stare, and Lexa was trying to remain serious, though every time Clarke giggled she nearly let a grin spread on her face. "I'll see you at lunch?" Clarke asked as they approached her classroom. "Yeah, what class do you have before?" Lexa asked. Clarke looked at her timetable, "Art!" She squealed excitedly causing Lexa to grin at her adorable reaction. "I shall meet you there then, bye beautiful have a good day." The blonde smiled up at her girlfriend, going on her tip toes to place a kiss on her lips, "you too baby, see you soon."

Clarke walked into her class with a huge smile on her face, walking towards Octavia who had saved a seat next to her at the back. "Someone's happy," she grinned cheekily at her friend. Clarke nodded, "O, I think I'm in love," she whispered not wanting the teacher to catch them talking. Octavia nodded, "I know, and she is too. I can tell, so can Lincoln," she murmured in response. Clarke's eyes lit up, "do you think she loves me? Because I want to tell her, but I'm way to scared that I'll scare her," Clarke began to ramble. Octavia stifled a small laugh, "I know she loves you, she probably feels the same, talk to her." Clarke nodded to this and pretended to pay attention through the rest of the class. But in reality she was wondering whether Lexa really did love her back.

Lexa waited outside of Clarke's art class for the girl to come out. After five minutes she poked her head in to see the blonde was the only one in the room, still drawing away, lost in the art. "Did someone forget their lunch date?" Lexa smirked as she walked into the room towards Clarke who shot her head up as soon as she heard her favourite voice.

"I didn't forget, I lost track of time drawing," she replied with an eye roll. Lexa walked closer and sat beside her at the desk. "Can I see?" She asked quietly gesturing at Clarke's sketch book. The blonde nodded as she slid the drawing over to the brunette, "it's not finished yet," she remarked as Lexa stared at it. She could tell it was her, whilst she was asleep. Lexa has listened to Clarke telling her about her love for art, but never realised how talented she was. "If you don't like it I'll sto-" Lexa cut her off by shushing her. "Clarke this is amazing, you made me look... beautiful, at peace," she smiled as she turned her head to look at the blonde. Clarke had a proud grin on her face, "I just drew what I saw, that memory of you sleeping is engraved in my mind and I wanted to draw you because the teacher said to draw something we love." Lexa's eyes widened at Clarke's words. Clarke turned her head in embarrassment, she hadn't meant to let that slip. "Uh sorry, I-" Clarke stopped as Lexa's hands turned her head to look at her. "I love you Clarke Griffin," she smiled, her voice nervous. They didn't notice but both girls had a few tears in their eyes. "I love you too Lexa Woods, fuck I love you so much," Clarke stuttered with a slight laugh. Lexa sniffled and pulled Clarke's lips closer to hers.

This time, when their lips met it felt as if time had stopped, but the flutter each girl felt only intensified. Clarke's heart pounded in her chest as her knees got weaker, feeling all the pent up love Lexa had for her. She could only focus on how soft Lexa felt against her mouth, how addictively she invaded all her senses. Lexa felt the same, her body tingling with sensations of love and lust as the kiss deepened. After a passionate few minutes of kissing the two broke apart for a breath of air. "That was-" Clarke stuttered unable to finish her sentence, "hot," Lexa finished with a chuckle as the blonde nodded. "I love you Lex," she whispered again as their heads lay against each other. "I love you too Clarkie," she smiled back sweetly.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now