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That night the two girls went back to Lexa's house. "Do you want to borrow something to sleep in?" Lexa asked softly making her way to her wardrobe. "Im stealing this hoodie," Clarke giggle inhaling the flowery smell of Lexa. Lexa laughed in response with a nod, "what's mine is yours baby."

Clarke blushed at the nickname as a little grin spread across her face. "Baby huh?" She smirked as Lexa turned around to face her. Now it was Lexa's turn to blush, "I'm sorry, if you don't like it I'll-" Lexa's apology was cut off by Clarke's soft lips on hers. The brunette relaxed and smiled into the kiss, she could get used to this.

When Clarke pulled away she smiled, bumping her nose against Lexa's. "I like it my love," she smiled placing a small kiss on Lexa's cheek. The biggest smile she'd ever seen on Lexa's face appeared, making her heart flutter.

"So what do you want to do Clarkie?" Lexa asked as the two teens sat on the king sized bed. "I don't mind," Clarke said nervously, Lexa could tell she had an idea in mind but was too scared to ask. "What do you want to do baby? It's okay you can ask anything." The brunette replied sweetly, looking at those beautiful blue eyes that had been lit again.

"I want to be close to you. I-," Clarke stopped feeling a flush of red enter her face. "Uh can we cuddle? Like can you hold me? It's just that I feel safer and I-" she stopped when she saw Lexa laughing. "Why are you so nervous about asking me to hold you, of course I will. I feel safer with you too," the brunette replied.

The two girls slipped under the covers and laid down. Lexa reached out her arms and pulled Clarke in close to her, so the blondes head was resting on her chest. Her arms wrapped tightly around the girl, with no sign of letting go. "Goodnight Clarke," she whispered placing a soft kiss on the blondes head. "Goodnight Lexa."

Lexa laid still, wrapped with Clarke's body, she felt the happiest she had in a long time. She watched as the blonde slept, the sight was so beautiful that she didn't want to close her eyes, and wake up, this all having been a dream. As she felt her eyes begin to get heavy she smiled and took one last look at the girl, "I love you Clarke," she whispered before falling into the depths of sleep.

The next morning Clarke's was the first awake. She was slightly confused at first as she woke up with two arms wrapped around her, and her head was rested on someone's chest. Clarke smiled when she looked up to see it was Lexa. She swore she had dreamt all of last night, but waking up like this made her question whether the soft 'I love you clarke," was part of a dream or real. A small smile entered the blondes face as she thought about it.

Clarke tilted her head up slightly, still on Lexa's chest, so that she could watch the beautiful brunette. She looked as if she was the most peaceful she'd ever been. There was a cute smile on her lips that made Clarke want to kiss them even more, but she didn't want to wake up the girl, not yet.

Clarke admired the girls wavy locks of shiny brunette hair that fell in ringlets down by the side of her face. Her beautifully cut jawline which on its own could cut through the deepest depths of rock. "Your such a pervert," Lexa whispered with a giggle as her eyes slowly fluttered open. Clarke blushed but kept just staring at the girl in front of her. She slowly raised her head to Lexa's, the two girls meeting in the middle for a gentle kiss. "I could get used to that," the brunette laughed as they pulled away, their bodies still very much intertwined. Clarke hummed in agreement with the girl, taking a minute to look into those forest green eyes that she loved so much.

"So what are we doing today?" Clarke asked excitedly as she watched Lexa stand up. The brunette was only wearing a shirt, that only just about covered up her butt. Clarke's childish grin became wider as she stared at the beautiful brunette in front of her. She began putting her hair into a bun as she hummed in a thinking tone for a second. "I wanna take you on a date," she stated, whipping her head round to see the blonde admiring her body. "Like what you see?" She chuckled, slowly walking over to Clarke who sat on the edge of the bed. The blonde nodded and gulped as Lexa walked closer with a mischievous smirk.

Lexa bent down placing a kiss on Clarke's head, holding the blue eyes beauty's face gently. "So can I take you on a date?" She whispered, her voice low and needy. Clarke met with Lexa's eyes and smiled. "I'd love that." She replied before catching Lexa's lips against her own. Lexa smiled and walked over to her closet pulling out a white button up and some black and white checked trousers, along with a black blazer. Without thinking she started getting changed, but she could feel a pair of eyes on her. "Sorry, I'm pretty comfortable and proud of my body, I can change in the bathroom if you want?" She asked turning to Clarke whose mouth was open. Lexa was just wearing her bra and trousers and Clarke took the time to admire her perfect curves. "No, it's okay, you should be proud, your beautiful." Lexa smiled at this and continued to change.

"Do you want to borrow some clothes?" She asked remembering Clarke didn't really have anything to wear. "If that's okay," she replied shyly, walking towards Lexa. "Of course it is baby, choose anything."

Clarke smiled at this and looked through the wardrobe, picking out some blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt, deciding she'd also keep the grey hoodie she had previously taken from Lexa. When Lexa had seen that Clarke had picked out some clothes she decided she should give the girl some space, knowing of her insecurities. "Wait. You can stay.. if you want," Clarke whispered, her voice nervous but sincere. Lexa walked away from the door and over to Clarke. "I will stay if you like, you have nothing to worry about, you are stunning."

Clarke nodded at the brunette in thanks for her support and started changing. Once she was just down to her underwear she noticed Lexa shyly looking and blushed. "It's okay you can look," she said, a little more confidence in her voice. Lexa turned to face the girl, a proud smile on her face as she took in the natural beauty of the girl in front of her. "You are so beautiful Clarke, I hope to make you realise that." Clarke's heart fluttered at the words and smiled with an appreciated nod and began to put the clothes on. "Let me?" Lexa questioned softly as the blonde was about to put on her shirt. Clarke nodded hesitantly giving the shirt to Lexa. The brunette placed a soft kiss on the blondes lips and then slid the T-shirt over her head and down her body. "I'm proud of you Clarke, and you look adorable in my clothes!" Lexa offered with a small grin. Clarke grinned back at her pulling the brunette into a tight hug.

"Thank you Lexa, for everything," she murmured into the girls neck as they hugged. Lexa felt a wave of emotions through her body as Clarke's hot breath glided along her skin. "You have nothing to thank me for." She whispered back, holding onto the hug a little longer.

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