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After the tense interaction with Lexa, it hadn't taken Octavia long to come downstairs. The girls said goodbye to Lincoln and headed back to the dorm. "Sooooo, Lexa?" Octavia slurred, grinning cheekily at Clarke as she drove. Clarke rolled her eyes at the tone in Octavia's voice, "what about her?" she sighed, attempting to sound uninterested.

Octavia laughed sad she looked out the window. "Lincoln told me she escorted you home, but nothing else happened. I don't believe it." The blonde rolled her eyes once again at her friends judgy nature and shrugged her shoulders, "that's what happened O. She seemed genuinely concerned about me being safe last night, but she was drunk, and from our conversations this morning I can tell she didn't really care."

Octavia looked at Clarke suspiciously, "and why do you care? We told you she was a bitch." An uneasy feeling settled in Clarke's stomach when Octavia spoke about Lexa in that way, but she wasn't sure why. "I don't care. But sometimes people are bitches on the outside to hide their hurt on the inside." She said softly as they pulled into the parking lot. Octavia got out of the car and walked in front of Clarke towards the dorm.

"You like her don't you?" She questioned eagerly. Clarke instantly shook her head, she couldn't like her, not even as a friend. Sure she was stunningly beautiful, and the way she held herself in her suit, and her small smirks had caused small eruptions in Clarke's heart. But that didn't mean she liked her. Right? There was no way she could like the girl that was so up herself and rude to her when she was just trying to be friendly. That wasn't happening.
"She's hot Griff, I wouldn't blame you."

Meanwhile on Lexa's run all she could think about was the blue eyes beauty that kept popping up. Lexa had seen many beautiful girls before, but none like Clarke, not even close. The blonde was intriguing, different, Clarke was special and unlike any other girl but Lexa couldn't put her finger on what it was. Maybe it was the way she didn't stand for Lexa's bullshit, or maybe it was the fact that she simply didn't care about the judgement or retaliation coming her way.

And that pulled Lexa in, she wanted to know more about the girl, but that was almost impossible regarding the way she treated her. Maybe she would change her behaviour in front of Clarke. Maybe it was finally time to let someone else in.


Monday morning came a little to quickly for Clarke's liking. The blonde was not a morning person, at least not without a double shot espresso in her system. When her alarm woke up she slammed her hand down on it with a groan, slowly rolling out of the bed, landing on the floor with a big bump. "Fuck." She screeched as she hit the floor.

"You good Griffin?" Raven yelled from across the dorm. Clarke groaned loudly, earning a loud laugh from both her roommates. After a few minutes of lying on the floor, the blonde finally rose to her feet. She grabbed a T-shirt and jacket, along with some black leggings, then proceeded with some makeup. She wanted to look good for her first day, but not outstanding, sure she wanted friends but she didn't want to be the centre of attention, she wanted to be far from it.

After getting changed, grabbing her bag and phone she headed to the kitchen. She was met by her two new friends who were laughing at something they were watching on Octavia's phone. "Morning Rae, hey O," Clarke said as happily as she could, pouring herself a coffee from the freshly made pot. "Have fun getting out of bed Griffin?" Raven smirked at her as Clarke rolled her eyes.

Octavia walked round the island and gave Clarke a hug, which she wasn't expecting in the least. Her shocked face quickly turned into a comforted one as she hugged back. "I'm a big hugger, sorry," Octavia laughed before sipping some coffee. "Hey that's my coffee!" Clarke screeched in disbelief as she noticed it was her cup in Octavia's hand. "Oh you sneaky bitch!" She shouted, amusement in her voice as she ran after Octavia around the dorm.

Octavia's squeals were loud enough that probably all the neighbouring dorms could hear. Raven sat on her bar stool filming the whole thing as it happened. "Stopppp I'll give it back!" Octavia yelled as she became out of breath. Clarke came to a halt, a triumphant smile on her face as her friend handed her back her mug. "You spilt most of it running round, thanks hoe!" Clarke laughed as she walked back to the kitchen to top up her coffee. "You love me really." Octavia shouted from the hallway. Clarke sighed and nodded in agreement, " I guess I do."

The three roommates walked side by side to the school which was five minutes across campus. They all had registration together which made them relieved. Before going to registration Clarke went to the reception to get her locker key.

The first bell went and Clarke hurried down the hallway to quickly find her locker, she didn't want to be late to her first registration. The blonde hurried through the school hallways, keeping her head down as she went, before she walked into something firm at full force.

Clarke fell to the floor and scrambled to collect the scattered mess of her timetable and locker information.

"Well well, if it isn't miss Griffin, we always seem to be running into each other, this time literally." A monotone voice came from above. Clarke looked up as she climbed to her feet, her eyes meeting with the familiar green ones. She really had to be the one to run into her, anyone else and it would've been fine. "Lexa, hi." She managed to stutter out, Clarke was extremely flustered.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Lexa questioned in a judgy tone looking down at the blonde who was slightly shorter than her. Clarke shook her head, then nodded it, she was extremely nervous, for what reason, she did not know.

Lexa laughed on the inside, keeping her facial expression stoic. She found it quite adorable that Clarke had become so flustered by walking into her.

Clarke looked nervous and intimidated, and it made Lexa feel slightly bad, but she had no means to change her facial expression. She wanted to keep some of her walls up, she couldn't just instantly let someone in, not when she'd been hiding away for so long.

Clarke's soft voice brought Lexa out of her thoughts, "shouldn't you be in class?" Clarke questioned back at her, trying to sound confident. Lexa let a small chuckle out as she shook her head and looked to the ground, sliding her left hand into her trouser pocket, "is that the best comeback you've got Griffin?"

Clarke blushed slightly as Lexa let out a small laugh, it was nice to see her smile, even if her happiness came from mocking Clarke. The blonde haired beauty began to walk past the brunette, she kept her head down, but made sure to look up occasionally to see where she was going. "Catch you later Griffin!" Lexa called after her, the amusement in her voice echoing through Clarke's head as she turned around to see Lexa looking at her. Clarke threw up her middle finger at the girl who pretended to be shocked and hurt. Clarke smiled at Lexa's jokey reaction before she spun round on her heel and headed to her classroom, undoubtedly late for registration.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now