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Lexa decided to not go to Clarke's. She didn't want to intrude and the girl had made it clear she didn't want to see her again. Instead, Lexa decided to watch the breakfast club and eat her feelings away. She had text Lincoln telling him that she wasn't coming but he didn't reply. After the film finished it was about 10pm and Lexa decided to go for a run as she'd been locking herself in her room for so long.

Meanwhile Clarke was at her house downing shots with Raven well before people arrived. By the time people had shown up her mind was already foggy. She had to admit though, she wasn't forgetting her problems, instead the image burning in the front of her mind was those of her favourite pair of green eyes.

Clarke sighed, slipping away to her bedroom with a bottle of vodka in hand. She lay on her back, taking regular swigs from the now nearly empty bottle. The burn in her throat, the best feeling she'd had since Lexa's lips on hers. Her mind was blurred and she hadn't even noticed that she was crying until she realised her shirt was damp against her skin.

"Clarke?" Lincoln said, a little concern laced in his voice. Clarke looked up at him and scowled, "go away Lincoln, I don't want to see you." Lincoln refused to leave. Instead the tall boy walked over to Clarke's bed and sat down carefully, her face now more visible. He smiled at the girl sadly as he looked down at her. Her normally sparky blue eyes were drained to a grey colour. She had bags under her puffy eyes, and her hair was a tangled mess. Lincoln carefully reached over and removed the bottle from the girls clasp.

"Nooooooo, I cant lose something else I love!" Clarke groaned in a winey tone. Lincoln's heart broke for the vulnerable girl as he heard these words, realising that Clarke really did love Lexa. "You should talk to her Clarke."

The blonde shook her head vigorously, "she hates me Lincoln, I love her, and she-" Clarke broke off into more tears, "but I was the one who left, it's my fault." Clarke was now shaking, Lincoln's arms wrapped around her in comfort. "I think you guys have a lot more in common with the way your feeling than you realise."

Clarke thought about it a little and wondered whether  she should give it one last try. She decided she would, but just not today, she couldn't handle that in the state she was in. "Help me sober up Linc," Clarke slurred as the tall man helped her to her feet.

After a couple of coffees and a few bread rolls fed to her by Raven, Clarke felt much more sober, yet her heart was still breaking. "I'm gonna get some air," Clarke whispered to Raven who was busy with a boy. All she got in return was a small nod. With that, Clarke slipped on her shoes and walked out of the dorm door.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now