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Lexa walked home alone, her head swimming with thoughts, mostly of the blue eyed beauty she'd just spent the night with. She tried as hard as she could to remember the blondes name and what had happened the previous night, but the banging headache didn't help. As she reached her front door she noticed the out of place car on the driveway.

Shrugging, Lexa walked back into her house and straight to the kitchen for a glass of water. "Where the hell were you?" A loud voice echoed from the other side of the kitchen. Lexa held her hand up to Lincoln "shhhh, hangover."

Lincoln walked closer to his cousin and took a seat next to her at the counter, silently waiting for an answer to his question. Lexa shrugged, "nothing special, just stayed at a friends." Lincoln laughed at her answer, "Lexa Woods doesn't have friends." Lexa stayed quiet as she scrolled through her phone. "So you stayed at Clarke's?" Lexa gulped at the sound of her name, the blondes face appearing in her head. "That's her name," Lexa whispered under her breath.

"So your telling me, you stayed at a beautiful girls place, and didn't do anything? At all?" Lincoln questioned in disbelief. Lexa nodded, her face held its usual stoic expression. "Wow, maybe your not a robot." He mocked whilst standing up and grabbing an apple.

Lexa flashed him a fake smile whilst hitting him on the arm, "I was too drunk for anything to happen, I passed out." She admitted before her cousin walked out the room. "Keep telling yourself that!" He yelled from the hallway, making Lexa roll her eyes and down the rest of her water, slamming the glass somewhat angrily on the side.

Meanwhile Clarke was at her dorm taking a shower. After she was refreshed she changed into some skinny blue jeans and a grey long sleeve top as the sun was beaming through the window. She applied a thin layer of natural makeup and pulled on her high top vans before grabbing a bagel and walking out the front door.

Clarke was on her way to Lincoln and Lexa's house to pick up Octavia and her car like they'd agreed over the phone. After the brief walk she finally arrived and texted Octavia telling her she was outside. Clarke unlocked the car and sat in the drivers seat, not wanting to knock in the door in case she ran into Lexa.

After ten minutes Octavia hadn't come out or messaged Clarke back, so she decided to brave it and walk to the door.

As she approached the door she began to feel very small and intimidated. For some reason, she wasn't scared of Lexa, but after their talk this morning she was still upset that the gorgeous brunette didn't remember her name. She wasn't frightened of the girl, but there was something about her presence that was daunting and sent shivers down Clarke's spine.

Hesitantly Clarke rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. After a few moments the door opened to reveal Lexa. She wore a baggy grey hoodie, that her long wavy hair bundled out of, framing her perfectly chizzled jawline. She had a pair of tight black cycling shorts on, which perfectly displayed her curves. Clarke caught herself staring at the girl in disbelief. She was utterly adorable in this attire.

"Why are you here?" Lexa asked in a harsh tone, no sense of happiness or feelings of any kind were displayed on her face. "Clarke. I'd appreciate it if you stop staring at me." She spoke again in the same monotone voice, but a little louder which caused Clarke to snap out of her trance and look up at her face.

Her deep ocean blue eyes met with the ferocious forest green ones and lingered there a little while before she spoke up, "Octavia," Clarke replied reflecting Lexa's blunt tone.

Lexa admired the girl in her simple attire and watched as the blonde looked her up and down, hiding a smile on her face. She couldn't deny she was happy to see the blue eyed beauty again, and when their eyes met, it was like she was staring into the most beautiful ocean, the deep mysterious ocean. As she spoke to Clarke she kept her expressionless face one, not wanting to show any signs of weakness, Clarke already thought she could challenge Lexa, that had to change.

Though Lexa was surprised when Clarke spoke back to her, their eyes still locked on to one another. Lexa has noticed the little fiery and confident spark that had appeared the night before, was indeed gone.

"You can wait inside if you like, she's in the shower." Lexa replied as she stepped back opening the door wider to allow Clarke in. The blonde nodded a small thank you as she walked through the hallway and followed Lexa through to the living room.

"Make yourself at home, I'm going out for a run." Lexa gestured towards the sofa as Clarke awkwardly took a seat. The brunette stood in front of Clarke as she spoke, then she slid her grey hoodie off to reveal she was only wearing a sports bra. Clarke tried not to look, but was distracted at how perfectly shaped Lexa's body was.

Her abs were beautifully defined, and up her right arm was a detailed tattoo. Clarke admired the brunettes body but quickly tore her eyes away as she felt the green eyes on her. "I'll see you round Griffin." Lexa stated with a smirk that Clarke didn't see because she was too busy awkwardly blushing and looking down at her fingers.

As Lexa left, Clarke's brain flooded with feelings and thoughts. Maybe the brunette had remembered her name after all.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now