t h i r t y s e v e n

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Lexa's POV (whoop)

Hesitantly I stepped into the room after Abby. I drew my eyes up from the floor to look at the girl in front of me. She lay still, just like she had been last time she lay in my arms. Her blonde hair sprawled out across her shoulders, her normally blue eyes shut tight. The only sound I could hear was the beeping of the life support machine, the ventilator that breathed for her. I couldn't see those soft plump lips that fit perfectly on mine because they were covered by the breathing mask. Her cut up arms lay idly beside her and her cheeks were porcelain white.

I stood in the corner watching as Abby cried next to her daughter for a few minutes, talking to her with desperation and love. "Lexa, will you stay with her tonight? I need to check on Madi and get someone to stay with her while I'm here with Clarke next time." Abby asked shyly as she stood up. I nodded lightly walking towards her, "I'm not leaving her side, not until she wakes up." Abby stared at me with pity in her eyes, "Lexa you still have to go to school and can't waste your life here, we don't know how long it'll take for her to wake up." I laughed a little through my tears, "Abby, school is the least of my worries, I love your daughter and I will sit here and wait forever if I have too, just so she can hear me say that again." Abby sighed and nodded as she walked to the door to exit, "she's lucky to have you, thank you for loving her." Abby pulled me into a tight hug, neither of us wanting to let go. Eventually Abby pulled back, her thumb wiping a tear off of my flushed cheek, "she'll be okay. She has to be," she whispered before exiting the room.

It was now just Clarke and I. Slowly I made my way round to the chair that was next to her bed, slumping down in it. I reached my hand out and picked up Clarke's cold one, intertwining our fingers together. It terrified me how frozen her skin was and how lifeless she laid. "Hey Clarkie, your not doing too great right now. But that's okay, because you'll be fine-" I stopped myself, wiping away a stray read with my free hand. "You will be fine, you have to be, because if your gone-" I took a deep shaky breath as I squeezed the blondes hand, "if your gone then I am too." 

Later that night a nurse came to check on Clarke, bringing me a blanket to sleep under. I didn't dare to let go of Clarke's hand that night, or any of the nights that followed. I stayed every night, holding the love of my life's hand, praying that she'd wake at any minute. But it didn't happen.

Each night my hope wore thinner and thinner but still there was a glimmer. Nothing changed, no movement, no flushed of color. Her body stayed as lifeless as it had been since I'd found her, and I couldn't help but wonder if I'd ever be able to look into her sparkling blue eyes again.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now