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Lexa woke first, the blonde beauty still lightly snoring lightly on her chest. Lexa smiled at the girl that was on her and began running her hands through her hair. "Hmmm," Clarke hummed quietly as she slowly came around to consciousness. Her blue eyes fluttered open as she lifted her head slightly, her eyes instantly meeting with Lexa's.

A grin spread across Clarke's face as she saw Lexa's genuine smile which quickly changed to a more stoic one as she noticed Clarke looking at her. "I like your smile, you should wear it more." Clarke said softly as she sat up looking back at Lexa.

The brunette girl nodded allowing a small smile to spread across her face, "I'm used to pretending I have no emotions." She replied with a shrug. "You don't need to pretend with me Lex, about anything." Clarke smiled as she stood up, pulling her phone out of her back pocket.

Checking the time she gasped and noticed multiple texts and missed calls from Raven, Octavia and her mum. "Shit, it's 5pm! We missed the whole school day." Clarke mumbled grabbing her bag before quickly shooting a text to her two friends and calling her mum.

Lexa watched from the sofa, she hadn't realised it was that late but she thought it a little funny at how stressed Clarke was. Lexa knew the girl had never skipped before so she understood, but watching the blonde rush around, red faced brought a giggle to Lexa's lips.

"Yes mum I felt sick. My friend took care of me and took me back to hers." Clarke spoke into her phone as she paced the width of the tree house. Lexa's smirk widened as she heard Clarke talking about her. "I'm fine, I fell asleep sorry. I'll remember to sign out next time." The blonde sighed as she listened to her mum speak, rolling her eyes. "Okay, bye mum, I love you too. See you Saturday."

Clarke took a deep breath in then slipped her phone into her back pocket. "Won't your family be worried?" Clarke questioned Lexa who was just staring at Clarke with a look of admiration. Lexa shook her head, "nah, I always skip, plus it's only Lincoln whose at home, he's probably busy with Octavia anyway."

Clarke nodded in return and stood still thinking for a moment. "Uh, do you want to, maybe go grab some food or something?" She asked shyly as she looked down to the around.

Lexa found it adorable that Clarke was so nervous around her. "Are you asking me on a date Griffin?" Lexa asked in an amused tone as she mocked the girl. Clarke quickly shook her head, "no-" she stuttered, "I just, I was just hungry and thought you might be too and I-" Lexa cut her off, "I'm just messing with you, yeah let's go."

When Clarke looked up, Lexa noticed the red flush that had graced the blondes face which made her laugh to herself. Clarke felt an overwhelming amount of embarrassment and a small pulling sensation in her heart when Lexa had asked her that question.

She wouldn't have minded if it was a date, Clarke thought to herself as she slipped on her shoes. What was she thinking? She didn't like Lexa like that, she didn't know the girl, she was just a new friend.

The two hopped back in Lexa's car and made their way to a small cafe on the outskirts of town. "This okay?" Lexa asked as she parked the car in the almost empty parking lot. "Looks great," Clarke reassured with a smile before they both climbed out the car.

The teens took a seat in a corner booth next to the window, sitting across from each other. "How are you feeling?" Lexa asked as she passed Clarke the menu. Clarke scrunched her nose slightly indicating she was thinking of her answer. "Free. I feel free. Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I'm glad I told someone." She said with a smile, "I'm glad I told you."

Lexa allowed her normally expressionless face to hold a smile. "I'm glad you told me too, I think this could be the start of a great friendship." Clarke laughed earning a confused look from Lexa, "What?" The brunette asked as she raised an eyebrow at the blonde, blue and green eyes meeting again. "I didn't think Lexa Woods did friends," she replied cooly, holding in her laugh. Lexa playfully hit Clarke's hand that was resting in the table in front of her. "Lexa Woods doesn't do friends, but just Lexa does." Clarke beamed back at the girl, "I like it when your just Lexa." Lexa nodded, "so do I."

As they ate their order they shared many laughs and found out a lot more about each other. Lexa kept on being distracted by Clarke's beauty, especially her eyes, which once again supported the glimmer they had on the first night they had met.

After the meal, which Lexa insisted on paying for, the brunette drove Clarke back to her dorm and walked her to the door. "Thank you for today Lex." Clarke spoke sincerely as she unlocked the door. Lexa gave her a nod and handed her a piece of paper, "text me, or don't, it's up to you princess, I'll see you around." Clarke nodded and watched as the brunette walked down the hallway, her hands slipping into her trouser pockets as she went. Smiling to herself Clarke turned around and stepped into the dorm.

Before she was even a few foot into the room she was met by two strong arms being wrapped around her. "Where the hell were you? I thought you'd been kidnapped and killed! Especially when Lexa didn't turn up to football training, which she doesn't miss because she's the captain. Thank god your alive!" Octavia screeched as she pulled away causing Clarke to laugh.

"Sorry O, I just didn't feel like being in today, so I went out." Octavia shook her head, "you don't even have a bloody car and there's no where to go around here, where'd you scurry off too?" Raven walked into the hallway, "let the poor girl in the door O," she chuckled.

"I was with a friend, she drove us out for a bit." Clarke said trying to hide details. "Would that friend happen to be Miss Woods?" Raven questioned, her eyebrows raised. "How did you-" Clarke stumbled as a blush came to her face. "What!? You went out with Lexa?" Octavia yelled in disbelief as the three walked through the dorm to the living room. "Hmm," Clarke replied trying to shrug it off as something causal. "And how did you know?" Octavia questioned Raven.

"Saw them getting out the car," she shrugged pointing out the window. "Tell us everything Griffin." Octavia demanded as they flopped onto the couches.

That evening as Clarke was lying in bed she decided to text Lexa, it was 2am so she wasn't expecting a reply, but was pleasantly surprised when the brunette answered almost immediately.
hey it's Clarke, sorry for making you miss football practice

            Its no biggy Griff, I enjoyed spending time with you

Why are you awake? It's late

I've got a lot on my mind, you?

Same. What's on your mind?

Nothing much. Goodnight Griffin

Goodnight Lex

Lexa had blushed slightly when Clarke asked her what she was thinking about. The girl should've expected that question, but she was flustered as of how to answer. Not wanting to lie to the girl, and not wanting to tell her the truth, that she couldn't stop thinking about her, she decided to end the conversation and try for sleep again.

Clarke had been a little confused at Lexa's dismissive response but understood she didn't want to talk about it, especially at 2am. The blonde lay still for a while staring at the ceiling, her mind full of thoughts. Thoughts about Lexa.

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now