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Clarke hadn't thought this through. She was a pretty girl, wearing a short dress, in the middle of the night, aimlessly walking on her own. But she had no desire to turn back and no where else to go, she needed time, she needed space. The park always gave her that. The cold wind blew over the blondes shoulders, causing her to shiver a little as she headed to the park.

When she arrived she sat herself down on a small bench in front of the pond. Clarke sat peacefully watching the small ripples travel across the pond, the moon reflecting off the waters surface.

"Hi beautiful," Clarke whipped her head to the left to see a tall man with brown dusky hair walking towards her. The man was clearly drunk, and Clarke's thoughts were proven right as he move closer to her, as she spotted the empty beer bottle in his hand. "What are you doing out here alone?" The man questioned with a creepy smile. Clarke gulped in her throat, not knowing how she'd get out of this one. She was terrified to her bones, clearly shaking, due to the cold air and the new company she'd acquired.
"She's not alone." A blank yet strong and familiar voice echoed from behind the man. Clarke hadn't seen her saviours face yet, but she could tell by her voice. It was Lexa.

"Two pretty girls, I'm a lucky man tonight." The man snarled. He took a step towards Lexa looking her up and down as if he was a predator and she was the prey. "Hello love," he whispered, placing an arm on Lexa.
The brunette had had enough. She quickly kneed the man in the crotch. As he doubled over she brought her right arm up, hooking the man in the face. The stranger stumbled back onto the floor, raising his head slowly, his eyes filled with fear as he looked at the brunette who stood above him. "Let's go," Lexa turned to Clarke, her eyes softening as her eyes met the blue ones she'd missed so much. Clarke didn't say anything, she just sat staring at the man as he ran away.

"Normally people say thank you when I save their lives," Lexa commented calmly, her stoic expression staying put on her face. Clarke gulped in embarrassment as a stray tear rolled down her face. "Thanks."

Sighing, Lexa took a seat next to Clarke. They sat in silence a few minutes, neither one knowing what to say, both absolutely terrified. "Your cold," Lexa observed as she watched Clarke shaking beside her. "I'm fine." The blonde replied as Lexa tried to give her the grey hoodie that she was previously wearing. "You don't have to like me Clarke, but take the god damn hoodie." Lexa said, her voice stubborn.

A small smile graced her face as the blonde reluctantly nodded and slid the hoodie over her head. As she pulled the hoodie on she inhaled Lexa's scent, it smelt like home. "Clarke-" Lexa started but didn't know what to say. Both the girls wanted so badly to just jump into each others arms, to feel the others lips against their own. But what they didn't know is that the other girl felt the same. "I shouldn't have left," Clarke croaked, her eyes still glued to the pavement at her feet, hoping at any moment it might swallow her up. Lexa barely heard what the girl had said as it was so quiet, but she did, and it made her wonder if the girl regretted it.

"I shouldn't have made you leave," she replied, her voice laced with emotions. "Clarke, I lo-" Lexa stopped herself, she knew it was too soon, especially after what she'd done. Clarke knew what she was going to say, and was slightly disappointed when she didn't finish her words. Looking up from the ground, Clarke turned to Lexa giving her a small nod to acknowledge that she understood, and she hoped that they brunette could see that she loved her too.

Clarke shuffled forwards, leaning her head against Lexa's. "We do this together, okay? Everything." She whispered as she took Lexa's shaking hands into her own. Clarke was reassured when butterflies began dancing around in her stomach.

Lexa's soft yet full, plump lips were pressed against her own. They moved in sync, the kiss filled with passion, want, heartache and love. All the pain fluttered away in that moment. It was just the two of them. Just Lexa and Clarke. And that was all they needed

I didn't mean to break you (clexa au)Where stories live. Discover now