The Prophecy

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The winds howled as the goddess picked her way over the rocky terrain. The rain coming down so hard it stung her face and made her eyes water. She paused to look upon her destination again. A small torch perched on the side of the mountain further up marked the entrance to the Oracle's temple. A renewed sense of determination swept her. She pulled her shawl tighter around her frame and continued up. She could feel the ichor on the bottoms of her feet from where the jagged rocks pierced them. She may be immortal, but she could still bleed. Olympians rarely sought the council of the Oracles unless it was serious. And this, was her most serious matter.

After another hour of climbing, she reached the torch and turned back the way she came to see the dizzying height she had reached. Behind her, a small hermit stepped out from the shadows. "Goddess of the Harvest...we've been expecting you" the rough voice spoke, turning around before she could reply. She walked briskly to catch up to the shadowy figure as it disappeared into a cave on the side of the mountain. A cool wind swept by her and she again pulled her shawl tight. At least she was out of the rain and the wind. The cave was not lit, however there was only one path leading up a winding set of steps jutting out from the rock. She climbed unsure if the hermit was still in front of her. As her foot stepped onto the final step, she found herself in an outdoor rotunda. The rain and wind did not fall within this place proven by the perfect flames rising from several torches. The oracles sat in a circle all wearing burlap coverings. All with their black eyes looking at the goddess before them. "Demeter, Goddess of Harvest. You have never sought our counsel before. It must be of great importance for you to do so today". She couldn't tell which one spoke but straightened her back and stepped forward to address them. "Oracles of Delphi, you are correct. I seek your guidance of a matter of the utmost importance". The Oracles made her uncomfortable. They were dark creatures not of Olympus but she was desperate. Her hand shifted to the large bump in her stomach. "Ahhh yes. The Sire is Ares, God of War. Quite the paring. And you wish to know the child's fate", one of the disformed profits hissed in amusement.

Demeter steeled her nerves, "Indeed. The Father does not know I am with child. I fear the wrath of the other Olympians if they knew. I just want to know how best to protect my child". She could not help but let the tones of fear creep into her words. Ares was a volatile God. Their union had been brief earlier in the summer for Ares was the long time companion of Aphrodite, the Goddess of beauty. And also, of extreme jealously and irritational acts. It wouldn't take long for her fellow Olympians to figure out who the Sire of her child was. And there would be terrible consequences. Thus, Demeter found herself seeking the counsel of sudo heretic oracles. Desperate for answers. Desperate to protect her unborn child at any cost.

The Oracles turned from her and looked towards the center of their circle. Either silently communicating to each other or somehow reading a vision, she did not know. But it felt like an eternity before one of them spoke again. "The child will live, must live, but not with you. She will restore balance to all realms. She will not create for she is death and destruction incarnate. She is omega to alpha. She is sister to Themis in justice. She is Praxidike. She is the God slayer."

Demeter's heart broke. What could this mean! She came hoping for answer as to how to hide her child. A girl she just learned. But now she is carrying a God of death? She swallowed the bile that was rising in her throat. "What do you mean she must live without me?" she asked, aware of the tremble in her voice. She noticed that the rain and wind which had not touched her since she entered the cave, was now penetrating the outdoor rotunda. Would they not answer her? She was about to demand an answer when another, or maybe it was the same oracle, spoke again. "Her life will not be easy. She will suffer. If you keep her by your side, she will be a monster to which Kronos will pale. If you send her away, she will become a fair tempered sovereign. A Ruler of Many. This must be her way. For her suffering and sacrifice, the Fates will give her one of the greatest loves the world will ever know...but only if she never knows yours." 

The wind was now stronger than ever. Pelting Demeter's tear stained face as she sank to her knees in horror. Damn the fates! The wind howled and as she tried to yell at the oracles but the center one raised his palm to her. Suddenly the world went black.

When Demeter opened her eyes again she felt something sharp in her hip. She was laying down on something hard. As her eyes focused in the dark she realized she was laying at the foot of the mountain atop the jagged black rocks. She pushed herself up and gasped for a breath of air she didn't realize she was missing. A sob tore from her throat as she remembered the horrible prophecy she had just learned. Slowly she stood and looked back from the top of the mountain. The torch was gone, all was dark and calm. Her hand protectively reached for her stomach. For her unborn daughter. Her chest ached with the burden. What was worse, what her daughter was capable of becoming or the fact that the only way to save her was to give her away? No, she couldn't. She wouldn't send her child away. She could protector her. She would guide her away from any darkness. She would give her life to protect her Daughter's.

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