Chapter 6

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Jennie's P.O.V.

We were still at Namjoon's mansion. He said that we could stay at his place since we had nothing to do for a month, which is sad.

Me: "Hey Joonie?"

Namjoon: "Joonie?"

Me: "It sounds cute"

Namjoon: "But I know something cuter"

Me: "What?"

Namjoon: "You"

Me: "But you said that I was sexy"

Namjoon: "You are both"

Me: "Fine"

Namjoon: "But what did you want to tell me?"

Me: "Oh! Can Rosé come over?"

Namjoon: "Since she is Jimin's sugar baby, sure"

Me: "Thank you~"

Namjoon: "No problem"

Hoseok: "Why do you two lowkey act like a couple?"

Jimin: "Yeah and you guys met 2 weeks ago"

Taehyung: "Do you have to flirt infront of my salad?"

Jin: "Salad? I saw you pick a leaf somewhere outside and you put a whole small bag of baby carrots in there so you could see Jungkook eating like a bunny again"

Jungkook: "What?!"

Taehyung: "Jisoo, get your husband!!"

Jisoo: "Really Jin? I thought it was fun"

Jin: "Sorry baby" He kissed her cheeks.

Hoseok: "Ew"

Yoongi: "I want a sugar baby"

We all looked at him

Yoongi: "It doesn't seem like a bad idea. I know I'm a daddy that will ruien--"

Jin: "Yoongi!!! Think of the children!!!"

Yoongi: "What's the name of the app?"

Jimin told him and Yoongi instantly downloaded it.

Yoongi: "I'm tired of being single"

I got my phone out and started to text Rosé

Rosé, do you want a sleep over?



Sure! What time?

Any time

Ok well, see ya

See ya

I put was about to put my phone away when I saw that Jungkook was eating a carrot. I started to record it and chuckled.

Namjoon saw and he chuckled with me. I was on his lap and I was facing the hall that lead to the kitchen. My side was on his torso and I felt his heart beat. It was relaxing.

Yoongi: "I got a sugar baby!"

Namjoon: "What's her username?"

My Sugar Daddy   {Namjen}Where stories live. Discover now