Chapter 36

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Jennie's P.O.V.

We just got home from the hospital and we went to her nursery. She was asleep in the car seat and I quickly got her out of there but not too fast for her to wake up.

We put her into her crib carefully and left the nursery.

Me: "She is an angel"

Namjoon: "I know, and Jennie, you did a good job"

Me: "Thank you Joonie"

Namjoon: "I wonder when you would loose the baby bump"

Me: "The doctor said in about 6 to 8 weeks, it will go away"

Namjoon: "Ok"

We went to our room and went to sleep.

A few hours later

Namjoon and I woke up by hearing cries. We got up and went to Bae's nursery. I gently picked her up and looked into her diaper but I didn't see or smell anything.

She might be hungry. I sat on the chair that was next to her crib and took out my boob so I could breast feed her.

Namjoon: "You know what she needed?"

Me: Of course she is my daughter. Bae has been in my belly for 9 months--"

Namjoon: "I know. I just love you mother instincts"

Me: "I can't wait to see your father instincts"

Namjoon: "I will keep her away from boys"

Me: "Joonie"

Then something went across my mind and made me gasp dramatically.

Me: "What if Bae is one of those smart girls that are popular and guys drool all over her"

Namjoon: "I hope not"

Me: "Why?"

Namjoon: "Because, she doesn't need those distractions"

Me: "She will study but-- wait, we have years until that happens so we don't need to worry"

I didn't feel Bae sucking my nipple anymore and I looked down ti her to see her looking up at me.

Me: "Hi Bae" I coo at her

Namjoon: "Ooh, let me say something"

He kneeled down and looked at our baby. I turned her to him and he smiled.

Namjoon: "Hi Bae, it's appa"

He started to kiss her cheeks and I smiled at the view.

Bae yawned and let me tell you, that was the most adorable shit I have seen. UwU

Namjoon: "Cute~"

Me: "She is so cute"

Namjoon backed away and I got up so I can put her into her crib.

Me: "Goodnight Bae, mommy loves you"

Namjoon: "Goodnight sweety, appa loves you as well"

We left her nursery and we went back to bed.

Later that day since it was like 4 a.m.

I woke up and felt strong arms around my waist. I looked at Namjoon and saw that he was still asleep. I smiled and got up.

I checked the time and saw it was 14:34 (2:34 p.m.)

I kissed his forehead and went to the bathroom so I could do my morning routine.

My Sugar Daddy   {Namjen}Where stories live. Discover now