Chapter 30

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Jennie's P.O.V.

Today is one of those days when you do nothing but watch tv and eat. I got up to walk around but then I noticed something.

My stomach..... I have a bump.

I smiled and squealed out of happiness. Since Namjoon was still rich as fuck and didn't have a job, he came running down the steps. I guess he was sleeping.

Namjoon: "Babe, what's wrong?"

I pointed to my stomach and smiled. It took him a but and his eyes widen.

Namjoon fell to his knees and started to kiss my stomach.

Namjoon: "My--our baby is growing up!!"

Me: "Joonie, you have to wait till they go to college"

Namjoon: "I don't want to think about that. I don't want to imagine them loosing their virginity. I don't want them being a whore"

Me: "What?"

I felt offended.

Namjoon: "What?"

Me: "So you are calling me a whore? I lost my virginity in college and that makes me a whore?"

Namjoon: "That isn't what I ment"

Me: "Well it seems like it"

I walked away and went to the laundry room since it was my calm space. The scent of the laundry calms me down and the warmth from the dryer.

I sighed and I started to cry. I felt bad for snapping at my Joonie bear. That was also our first fight and I can't stay mad at him for long. He is my baby even though he is older than me. I got up and went back to where we argued.

He was in the living room, on the couch, looking down.

Me: "Joonie, I'm sorry" Tears started to leave my eyes.

Namjoon: "Jennie, it's ok, I get why you are mad"

Me: "I think it's just my mood swings from the pregnancy. I know what you ment and I know you just want to protect our baby" I start to rub the little bump that is noticable.

Me: "Come here" I said while pouting.

He got up and came infront of me. I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach.

Me: "I am sorry Joonie" I kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry" I started to have tears go down my cheeks again but I felt them get wiped away.

Namjoon: "It's ok baby" He kissed my forehead and rested his forehead against mine.

We stayed like that until we heard the doorbell ring.

Namjoon: "I will get it"

Namjoon went to answer the door and I heard familiar voices.

Hoseok: "How come you haven't invited us here?"

Namjoon: "I was afraid that you will make the house collapse"

Jin: "You shouldn't be talkin'"

Namjoon came back into the living room with 11 other people. 2 of them I didn't know but they were pretty.

Me: "Who are you 2?"

Y/N: "Hi!! I am Y/N, Hobi's girlfriend"

(@uwuwunamjen Idk your name so I am just going to put your username)

Uwuwunamjen: "Sup! I am those 2s fine asses sugar baby" She points to Taehyung and Yoongi.

Jungkook: "Who is bottom?"

Taehyung: "Yoongi"

Jin: "I am actually surprised. I though he would be a dominate guy"

Yoongi: "I hate you"

Taehyung: "But you love my di--"

Me: "Not infront of the baby!!"

Namjoon: "But--"

Me: "Shush!"

Lisa: "This place is nice"

Jungkook: "I can buy you a place like this"

Lisa: "Kookie, I am fine where I am"

She kissed kim on the cheek and he blushed.

Me: "Well, why are you all standing? Sit!"

Jin: "I thought you would never ask!"

Me: "Jisoo, how are you?"

Jisoo: "I'm really happy!"

Me: "It seems like there is some good news"

Jisoo: "Yeah, we are adopting a child from China"

Me: "Really?! That is awesome!!"

I got up and hugged her.

Jisoo: "Wait, something feels weird--"

I pulled away and pointed to my stomach.

Me: "I got a bump"

Taehyung: "Can I pop it?"

Namjoon: "I--"

Me: "A baby bump from my pregnancy"

Taehyung: "Ohhhhhh"

Uwuwunamjen: "Congratulations Jennie"

Y/N: "Yeah! How does it feel"

Me: "Nice and my morning sickness has ended"

Rosé: "I bet the baby is going to be a girl"

Lisa: "Well, I think it's a boy"

Rosé: "If the baby is a girl, I want to teach her how to sing"

They started to argue about it and I just sighed.

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