Chapter 10

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Smut 😌👄💦💥🙊🙉🔥👌👈👏🍆🍑🍒😝😏👅

I might say like pussy and dick but I am comfortable to say that as insults but in smut, I don't for some reason so 👀

So if you don't like smut then, you can skip this chapter since the whole thing is going to be smut

Jennie's P.O.V.

I got out of the shower and got into my lingerie,

I put on a silky robe over this and I left the bathroom

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I put on a silky robe over this and I left the bathroom. I saw Namjoon on the edge of his bed thinking. I could tell since his eyebrows are furrowed and we was looking down.

I leaned onto the door frame in a sexy way and cleared my throat. He looked up and his eyes widen along with his jaw dropping.

Namjoon: "You look sexy"

Me: "I always look sexy"

I walked up to him and he grabbed my waist. He pulled me closer to him and pulled me onto his lap, straddling him.

Namjoon: "You are going to be my first"

Me: "Same"

Namjoon looked into my eyes ans I looked into his. He is a really handsome man. I can't believe that crusty ass, loose ass, bitchy ass, whore ass slut called Namjoon ugly. Like look into the mirror but oh wait she can't since the mirror broke from your ugliness.

Namjoon: "Jennie?"

Me: "Huh?"

Namjoon: "Are you ok? We don't have--"

I kissed his lips and oh gosh they were tasty. It took him a bit to respond.

I was about to pull away until he put his hand onto the back of my head. He bit my lower lip and started to tug on it.

The next thing I knew was that Namjoon's tongue was in my mouth exploring it.

I moaned into the kiss. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. He picked me up and turned around to the bed.

He laid me down onto the bed and he was on top of me, between my legs. I wrapped my legs around his waist and had my hands on the back of his neck.

Namjoon leaned in and kissed me and I instantly responded. Who wouldn't? They are so plump and I like them.

Namjoon started to kiss down my jaw and down to my neck. He started to kiss and suck on to my neck. I tilted my head so he could get more access.

When he got to a spot onto my neck, I moaned and he started to suck and nibble onto it.

He started to kiss it until he started to go lower to my breasts. He put his hands behind my back and unfasten my bra and threw it somewhere.

I was shocked and I was about to cover my boobs until he started to kiss my chest and went to my left nipple.

He started to suck onto it making me moan. He started to squeeze my right nipple. He switched to the other nipple and started to suck onto that one too.

I ran my fingers through his har and looked down at him. He started to move lower to my stomach and then we went to my panties. He took them off and threw them somewhere in his room.

Namjoon started to kiss my inner thighs and looked into my eyes and kissed my clit. I moaned and his was still looking into my eyes.

Namjoon started to lick my clit and then slowly started to eat me out.

I started to moan his name and I started to squeeze the pillow my head is laying on.

Me: "Ahh Namjoon~"

He started to thrust his tongue into my core and I moaned louder than before.

Me: "Namjoon, I-I-m about to-ti cum!"

Namjoon: "Cum babygirl"

I came and he started to swallow my cum. I was breathing heavy and he came back up to me and kissed me.

Then I noticed that he was still wearing his clothes. I pulled his shirt up and he took it off. I unbuckled his belt and undone his pants.

He was only in his boxers and I saw his big ass boner.

I don't think it will fit

He took off his boxers and it was soo big.

Namjoon: "Are you ready?"

Me: "I won't suck your--"

Namjoon: "I don't want to get out of hand and make your throat hurt"


Me: "Ok well I'm ready"

Namjoon positioned himself and slowly pushed himself inside. It hurt like hell and I screeched in pain. Namjoon held my hand and intertwined them.

He pushed his full inside of me carefully and I squeezed his hands hard.

Namjoon: "When you are ready, just tell me, ok?"

Me: "Thanks Namjoon"

Namjoon: "No problem"

I kissed his irresistible lips and he kissed me back. I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes

Me: "I'm ready"

Namjoon: "Ok"

He leaned in and Kissed me before moving. I moaned in pain in the kiss and I kissed him back.

After a few more thrusts, I started to feel some pleasure but I still felt some pain. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and explored his mouth.

I moaned out of pleasure when the pain was finally gone.

Me: "Faster" I moaned out

Namjoon went faster and I felt a lot of pleasure.

Namjoon: "Your so tight"

I moaned in response and wrapped my legs around his waist

Me: "Harder"

He started to go faster and harder. He started to hit my g-spot and I moaned loudly and I arched my back.

Me: "Right there!Don't stop!"

I was getting close and my walls clenched around his member.

Namjoon: "You feel so good" He hissed

Me: "I'm about to cum"

Namjoon: "Let's cum together"

Me: "Ok"

He continued to thrust and I was at my peak

Namjoon: "Cum"

I came while he pulled out and cams onto my stomach. I was breathing heavy along with Namjoon.

I was going to get something to clean my stomach but I fell back onto the bed. I looked at Namjoon and he quickly got a towel and cleaned me off.

Namjoon threw the towel somewhere and laid beside me.

Namjoon: "I love your wap"

I started to laugh and buried my face into his chest

Me: "Please don't say that again"

My Sugar Daddy   {Namjen}Where stories live. Discover now