Chapter 24

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All I gotta say is that Namjoon is going to be DADDY. You will know what I mean💅

Namjoon's P.O.V.

I was in the van with the guys except Jungkook. I was beyond furious. Furious isn't even close to how I feel.

We arrived at a mansion but it wasn't as good looking as ours. I told Jin to hack into their security cameras.

Jin hacked into them and put on Dora the Explorer. I got out of the van with Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok and went inside of their mansion. Yoongi was still playing as their butler so we don't have to worry about him for now.

There wasn't anyone at the entrance of the mansion. We quietly went around the mansion but someone cleared their throat.

We turned around to see one of the members of the group.

Me: "Where is she" I say sternly and coldly.

???: "Aww, you miss your little bitch? She is just learning her lesson"

We started to hear screaming and I know that it's Jennie.

Me: "What are you doing to her?!?! Let her go!!"

???: "Aww poor baby~ I should have killed your ass after your pathetic parents"

I was tired of his bullshit and shot both of his legs. He fell down and yelled in pain.

Me: "Where is she?!?!"

???: "I will never tell you"

Just then, he had a bullet in his forhead and it was my bullet.

I ran around the house until there were people guarding the door. I shot them down and opened the door to reveal the dark basement.

The rest of the gang was in there watching another member hitting her with a bat.

My vision started to turn red (I don't know but in a way it seems cool but in another, cringy)

I started to shoot at the members of the gang. The rest of my members were backing me up by shooting their men.

I was shooting with both hands and I gave them all head shots. The only person for me is the person that was beating Jennie. He grabbed a gun and shot my shoulder.

Me: "Ahh shit!!"

I walked closer to him and shot him but I didn't know where.

I ran up to Jennie and untied her.

Me: "Baby, I am sorry you had to go threw this" Tears were leaving my eyes.

After she was fully untied, she snatched my gun away and shot near me.

Was she trying to kill me?!

She looked shocked and dropped the gun. After hearing the gun hitting the ground, I heard a big thud.

I turned around and saw the dead body of the guy beating Jennie.

Jennie's P.O.V.

Namjoon saved me. But while he was untying me, I saw the guy he shot getting up and aiming at Namjoon.

After being untied, I snatched his gun and shot the guy in the eye. I was shocked my what I have just done. I dropped the gun and soon after, the body dropped to the ground.

I started to cry but then felt arms around my body. I hugged the figure since I knew who he was.

Me: "Joonie"

Namjoon: "Shhhh it's ok"

He started to comb my hair with his fingers lightly while I cried into his chest.

Me: "Joonie, a-are they g-gone?"

Namjoon: "Yes, nobody will ever hurt you ever again. I am sorry that I got you into my mafia mess"

Yoongi: "Oh shit!! What did I miss?"

Taehyung: "Where were you?"

Yoongi: "I may or may not have been sleeping in their closet?"

Hoseok: "It really took you that long to know what was going on?"

Yoongi: "No, not really"

Me: "Joonie!! Your shoulder!!"

Namjoon: "It's fine, Jin will take care of it"

Jimin: "Damn hyung, I have never seen you that mad"

Namjoon: "Yeah even though you are annoying, it isn't close to what happened. But let's go to the van"

We left the mansion and Jin hyung saw my wound.

Jin: "I will take care of this"

Jimin started to drive and Jin started to take care of Namjoon's wound. I held onto his hand and squeezed it.

We arrived to my place. Namjoon and I got out of the van and we went inside the house after the rest of them left.

I laid Namjoon onto the couch and kissed his forehead.

I left the living room and started to clean the house.

Time skip

After cleaning the house, I went back to Namjoon and he sat up. I sat where is head was and laid his head onto my lap.

Me: "I was so scared Joonie"

Namjoon: "I am sorry. If you haven't met me then your life would have been better--"

Me: "I think the fuck not. Without you, I would be insecure of myself, without you, I wouldn't have a happy day, without you, I wouldn't find the live of my life, which is you. So don't say my life would have been better without you. You changed my life in a good way. I love you Joonie and nothing, I mean nothing will make me hate you"

Namjoon: "I love you too Jennie"

I went down and kissed his plumpy lips. I broke the kiss and looked at him

Me: "Wanna binge That's So Raven?"

Namjoon: "Yes ma'am"

I smiled and put on That's So Raven

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