Chapter 37

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Jennie's P.O.V.

It has been 3 months since Bae was born. I finally lost the baby bump and Namjoon got a job so we could live a normal life even though we are the richest people in the world.

I finished my morning routine and got into this,

I went to Bae's room and saw that she was awake and she was playing with her fingers

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I went to Bae's room and saw that she was awake and she was playing with her fingers. I smiled at the view and walked inside.

Me: "Hi Bae~"

Bae looked up at me and I almost died from how adorable she is.

I got her from her crib and changed her outfit. She looked so cute, I took a picture and I gasped.

 She looked so cute, I took a picture and I gasped

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She smiled. I sent it to Namjoon and put my phone away.

Me: "Time to go grocery shopping"

I got the baby carrier and put her inside. The store is only a couple of blocks down the street so I can just walk there.

I am not using a stroller since she doesn't like them. She got a habit from her father. They both love laying their heads on my boobs.

She was cooing and I rubbed my thumb against her soft hair.

Me: "My sweet baby"

I kissed her forehead and left with my purse and phone.

I arrived at the grocery store and started to buy some formula and baby food. I also got some diapers and wipes. So I am here for Bae.

I got everything I needed and I went to the check out center. I paid for everything and went back home.

I put the things I bought away and I put Bae out of the baby carrier and put her on the couch. I took the baby carrier off of me and picked up Bae.

Me: "Mommy is going to give you some food"

I started to make the formula to the milk and warmed it up. I put the nipple from the bottle in her mouth. I went to the couch and fed her the milk.

I started to hum and when she finished, she yawned.

I kissed her cheeks but then I put a cloth on my shoulder and put her head on my shoulder so I could burp her.

I patted anf rubbed her back until I heard a cute little burp. I pulled her away and put her in her crib

Me: "Bye bae, see you later"

I kissed her forehead and put away the cloth.

I went to the living room and started to do some exercises to loose the fat I got from the pregnancy. I lost some weight but I am not as thin as I was before the pregnancy. Like I gained some fat in my thighs and it looks good.

I stopped doing the exercises and went to the kitchen to cook some lunch.

Good thing Namjoon works at a part-time job so he could spend some quality time with me and Bae.

I finished our lunch and put it in the microwave since it was hot.

Since I started to get bored, I went to Bae's nursery and saw her cooing. I went up to her and carried her. I sat down on the chair next to her crib and started to talk to her.

I heard the front door open and close. After a while I saw Namjoon with a smile on his face.

Namjoon: "How are my 2 favorite angels?"

Me: "We are good" I started to tickle Bae's belly and she started to giggle.

I stopped tickling her and looked at Namjoon.

Namjoon: "Did she just--"

Me: "I think so"

I started to tickle her again and she started to laugh. It was a cute laugh

Me: "This is her first time laughing"

Namjoon: "It is cute"

Me: "I love it and I love her"

I started to kiss her cheeks like crazy and she started to laugh. Namjoon joined in the fun and started to tickle her feet.

Time skip

Namjoon and I were in the living room watching a movie. Namjoon's head was on my boobs and I giggled.

Namjoon: "What's funny"

Me: "You have a habit of laying your head on my boobs and I guess Bae is starting to get that habit"

Bae is sleeping right now and I didn't want to leave her but I didn't want to seem creepy like staring at my baby sleeping.

Namjoon: "Really?"

Me: "Yeah"

Namjoon: "Cute"

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