Chapter 44 - Finale

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So I don't have any ideas for this ff anymore :( and I feel bad but this was a good book even though it started to change

Jennie's P.O.V.

Today I was playing around with Bae and I put her on the ground for a second. Namjoon was beside me the phone with Hoseok. They are discussing something about Hoseok loosing his virginity to Y/N.

I fixed my shirt and looked where Bae was and saw her crawling. I rapidly tapped Namjoon's arm and he looked at me.

Me: "Look"

He saw Bae crawling around

Namjoon: "I will call you back"

Hoseok: "BITC--!!!!"

He hung up and went to the ground.

Namjoon: "Bae, come here~"

I joined him and sat beside him.

Me: "Come to mommy"

She crawled to us and Namjoon picked her up.

Namjoon: "My baby can crawl!!"

Me: "Make sure not to drop her Namjoon"

Namjoon: "Ughhh Jennie~"

Me: "Fine-- oh! I have an idea"

I ran and got a clothes basket and put pillows and a blanket in there. I turned on a rollercoaster ride and I put Bae in the basket.

Namjoon: "Ah! I see what you are doing"

I played the video and she looked at the tv. We started to shake the basket but not too hard. She started to laugh and squeal.

After playing around, she fell asleep. It is her nap time so I picked her up and put her in her nursery.

I kissed her forehead before leaving her nursery.

16 years later (-_-)

Bae is in high school and the school year is almost over. She is so beautiful and says that she is one of the smartest students in the school. She complains about everyone following her in the hallways because she is one of the pretty girls in the school.

I got a notification from my phone and saw that she posted.

I got a notification from my phone and saw that she posted

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I smiled at the post. She is mature like her dad but can get wild like me.

Bae: "Mom! I am going to hang out with Ryan!"

Me: "Ok--"

Namjoon: "Don't stay out late"

Bae: "I won't appa" She gives him a smile

Me: "Where is my kiss?"

She ran up to me and kisses my cheek.

Namjoon: "And mine?"

She kissed his cheek and smiled

Namjoon sighed before stating

Namjoon: "I remember when you were in my balls"

Me: "JOONIE!!"

Bae: "APPA!!"

Namjoon: "Shit--"

Bae: "Ryan is waiting"

Me: "Bye hunny"

Namjoon: "Bye princess"

Bae left the house and I turned to Namjoon.

Me: "Really?"

Namjoon: "I--"

Me: "Do you think they are dating?"

Namjoon: "That boy got Jin's charms so yes"

Me: "I can't believe Ryan got the Worldwide Handsome thing after Jin"

Namjoon: "At least he doesn't think he is ugly"

Me: "Yeah"

Namjoon: "I love you my queen"

Me: "I love you my king"

Not the best writing for the last chapter but my head is just filled with air. There is nothing inside. I got addicted to Jasper Hale and I am not a big fan of Twilight tbh. It isn't bad or anything but after the Fmv I saw, I just lost it. It's on tic tok btw the username is _lady_sweet_ if you want to check it out. I hope Taehyung gets an acting role as a vampire or werewolf because he--I'm actually speechless.

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