Chapter 21

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Jennie's P.O.V.

After we finished shopping with the girls and Lisa's boyfriend, we went to the mansion.

Me: "Hey Joonie!"

Jungkook: "Who is that?"

He points to Sehun.

Lisa: "This is my boyfriend, Sehun"

Jimin: "Oh shit!"

Hoseok: "Damn"

Jungkook: "B-boyfriend?"

Jisoo: "Oh dear"

Jin: "Welp!! She's taken"

Sehun: "What are you guys talking about?"

Jungkook: "It's nothing important"

He left the living room and went to the gym. We started to hear things breaking and Jin mumbled something under his breath before going to the gym.

Jin: "This muscle pug"

Namjoon: "Lisa, you know that we don't allow strangers in here, no offence Sehun"

Sehun: "No problem, I get it. Lisa, let's go to my place"

Lisa: "O-ok"

They left the mansion and we rushed to the gym. The punching bag was torn and this place is a mess.

I saw Jin hiding under a table praying. What?

Jisoo: "Honey? Why are--"

Jungkook: "Why does the world hate me!!!"

Jisoo: "It doesn't"

Jungkook: "How would you know?!?"

Me: "I am tiered of you disrespecting her like that!! She is you noona!! She chose to raise your spoiled ass!! She lives you like you are her child or younger brother!! You are just being an ungrateful brat!!! And you are throwing a tantrum because someone you like is taken?!?!? That is childish as fuck!! Grow up!! You are not a baby"

Jungkook looked down and had a tear roll down his cheek

He went up to Jisoo unnie and hugged her.

Jungkook: "I'm sorry noona"

Jisoo: "It's ok Kookie"

She hugged him back and Jin ran up to them and hugged him.

Namjoon: "Jennie you are such a turn on"

Jimin: "And I though I was the horny bitch here"

Taehyung: "Hyung, you just ruined the beautiful moment with your horniness"

Yoongi: "I think I am about to throw up because of that statement Namjoon"

Namjoon: "Sorry"

Hoseok: "You should be. My innocent---"

Jennie: "I swear if you keep up with that innocent shit!! I will slit your neck you fucking bitch!!"

Hoseok: "Namjoon!! Save me!! Control your bi--"

Jennie: "Don't finish that word before I cut off your dick and shove it down your throat"

Hoseok squeaked and hid under the table crying for his life.

Namjoon: "Sexy"

Taehyung: "Shut up!!"

Yoongi: "I am so done"

We went back into the living room and I laid my head on Namjoon's lap.

Taehyung: "You know, we never went to Jennie's house before"

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