Chapter 27

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Jennie's P.O.V.

Today is a rainy day and we finished shopping for the wedding. Everyone was at tye entrance but I got distracted from some cooking supplies since I don't have much.

I was looking at tye price until I head a girl talking.

Girl: "Hello handsome~"

I see her walking up to Namjoon. She had a hot coffee in her hand. I walked up to them and linked arms with Namjoon.

Me: "Sorry but he is taken"

Girl: "From who? A slut? He can have better. I am so tight that I can satisfy"

Me: "He has a child"

Girl: "Yeah right"

Me: "And I am carrying it"

Girl: "Yeah right you stupid slut!!"

Me: "Go look in the mirror bitch, he is mine!!"

She is such a spoiled brat.

Namjoon: "Baby, let's go" He whispered in my ear in a low voice.

The girl screamed and got a knife. She was about to stab my stomach but I was quick enough to grab her hand.

I quickly took her boiling hot coffee and splashed it on her face. I got a spatula and slapped her face with it since I didn't want to get my hands dirty.

She screamed in pain and I walked out forgetting about the cooking supplies I was looking at.

We left the store and I started to cry into his chest

Me: "I keep on hurting people Joonie"

Namjoon hugged me and whispered in my ear and it was soothing.

The wedding is next week and I wanted it early before I get my bump. I am 10 weeks pregnant and the doctor said that when people are thin, the bump will be more noticable in 12 weeks.

We left the mall and went home. The others went home and went with either their partners or sugar baby.

I was in the kitchen making our lunch. I felt arms hugging me from behind and I knew who it was.

Namjoon started to rub his hands on my stomach.

Namjoon: "I am so excited to meet the baby"

Me: "We have over 6 months"

Namjoon: "I know but it is our child"

Me: "Promise you won't do anything stupid"

Namjoon: "What do you mean?"

Me: "In some dramas I watched, when the girl is pregnant the guy cheats, something related to cheating and they break up. The girl gives birth to his child and she is a single mother for 3 years and they finally meet--"

Namjoon: "That will never happen. I am not that stupid to disrespect my queen"

Me: "And I won't disrespect my king"

Namjoon: "Hey, where is the baby's nursery going to be?"

Me: "Shit--- oh! My designing room"

Namjoon: "But--"

Me: "Don't worry about it, I can just move it to my office"

Namjoon: "Ok, well let's eat our lunch"

We ate our lunch and we went to the living room. I got a blanket and put it over my and Namjoon's thighs.

I put my head onto his shoulder while had put his arm around my waist. His hand touched my stomach and he started to rub it gently.

Namjoon: "I can't wait ti know the gender. Or do you want it as a surprise?"

Me: "I want to know so we could set up the nursery before hand"

Namjoon: "Smart"

Me: "Tomorrow we have a doctors appointment since we need to see the advisor every 4 weeks"

Namjoon: "You are a month pregnant?"

Me: "Yeah, I showed you the pregnancy test a few hours after I took it"

He looks happy and now I understand why. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Namjoon's P.O.V.

I am so happy that sue wasn't pregnant when she got kidnapped. I looked over to her to see her sleeping. I kissed her forehead and decided to put her to bed. I picked her up and went to our room.

I laid her onto the bed carefully and kissed her cheeks. I left the bedroom and called of my workers. Yes, I stopped being a mafia but they have families so they still work fir me.

Me: "Did you get everything ready?"

Worker: "Yes sir"

Me: "Ok"

I hung up and smiled. Her surprise is going to be good. I wrote a not to Jennie and left the house. I called my personal driver and went to the jail Jungkook is at.

My Sugar Daddy   {Namjen}Where stories live. Discover now