Chapter 32

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Namjoon's P.O.V.

I heard the door slam open and slammed closed. I got up and saw Jennie.

Jennie: "That fucking bitch!!"

Me: "Baby! What's wrong---"

Jennie: "The fucking bitch you hired said that you were her daddy!! You are our daughters daddy and mine in bed!! Only ours!!"

Me: "I-- What else did she say to you?"

She started to cry hardly and she was trying to stop herself but she couldn't. I hugged her and kissed her head.

Me: "It's ok love, I will make sure to do something--"

Jennie: "She said that she would kill me and our baby" She yelled.

I was angry but I stopped myself to get angry angry. I took a deep breath and hugged her. I moved my hands to our baby and started to speak.

Me: "No one will to anything to our daughter. If they try to, they would have to go threw me"

Jennie: "Joonie, I am so happy to have you and I our daughter is lucky to have a dad like you"

She was still crying and I brought her to the living room.

Me: "Let's cuddle and watch Netflix, ok?"

Jennie: "Ok Joonie"

I laid onto the couch and she laid my me. I got the fluffy blanket from behind the couch and put it on us. It wasn't irritating, it was comfortable.

We started to watch comedies but then we watched some other movies.

After about 3 movies, I started to hear soft snores. I smiled and looked down. Jennie was sleeping on my chest but not laying on her stomach.

I carefully got up since I was on the edge and she was at the back of the couch. I covered her up and kissed her nose.

I got a paper and wrote her a note. I finished writing the note and I got my phone out and started to text someone. I am meeting up with someone and it's the person I just sent a message to.

I left the house and went to the local park. I saw him and went up to him.

Me: "Hello"

Jennie's Dad: "Hello son, how--"

Me: "Son?"

Jennie's Dad: "You are my daughters husband and I am trusting you to take care of her and my grandbaby"

Me: "I feel honored"

Jennie's Dad: "So why did you want to meet up?"

Me: "Well, at first was too get to know you but a problem came up. You are a lawyer, right?"

Jennie's Dad: "Yes, why and what us the problem?"

Me: "Well, this girl threatened Jennie and our baby"

Jennie's Dad: "What?! Ok, what is the girls full name?"

Me: "Park Soo-young or known as Joy"

Jennie's Dad: "Oh her"

Me: "You know her?"

Jennie's Dad: "Her mother was a good fling of mine for 3 months. She went to different schools from Jennie but she always took some other girls boyfriends but I felt bad for her"

Me: "Why would you?"

Jennie's Dad: "She grew up around that. Her mother was a hooker for her whole life and she grew up with her mother hooking up with random guys"

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