Chapter 43

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Jennie's P.O.V.

It is my and Namjoon's first anniversary of marriage. Bae is 5 months old and she is a happy baby.

Since we didn't want to call in a babysitter or anything like last time, we dropped her off at Jin and Jisoo's place.

We went back home and we are getting ready for our date. Namjoon was already done and I got into this,

I went to the living room and saw Namjoon waiting for me

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I went to the living room and saw Namjoon waiting for me. I smiled since he was looking handsome like usual.

Namjoon saw me and smiled.

Namjoon: "Gorgeous like usual"

I smiled and we linked arms before leaving the house. We saw a car in the drive way and I looked at him.

Namjoon: "This is our new car but our personal driver still has the job"

Me: "Wow"

We got into the car and drove off. Namjoon stopped at an expansive, elegant, fancy restaurant.

Me: "Wow"

Namjoon: "Let's go inside"

I nodded and we went inside with our arms linked.

We entered the restaurant and the attention was on us. They guys are drooling for me while the girls started to mess with their short ass dresses for Namjoon. I hugged up close and did a bratty look that you can tell the message I am giving. 'He is mine'

A waiter came up to us and asked for our orders. He actually didn't flirt with us and focused on his work unlike the other waiters and waitresses from the other places we have been at.

Waiter: "What would you like to drink?"

Me: "I would like a water and soju"

Namjoon: "I would like the same"

Waiter: "Ok, they will come soon"

The waiter left and Namjoon held my hand.

Namjoon: "Happy 1 year anniversary baby"

Me: "Happy anniversary Joonie"

Namjoon: "I got a surprise for you"

Me: "Shit, I left mine at home"

Namjoon: "It's ok"

Namjoon took out a little box and came behind me. I heard little noises and I know he is opening the box. I felt something around my neck and I felt him move away.

I got my phone and opened my camera. I put it on selfie mode and saw a choker but not any choker, a choker that has little diamonds on it.

Me: "It's beautiful"

Namjoon: "Just like you and Bae"

Me: "Aww, you are making me blush"

The waiter came back with our drinks and carefully sat them down on the table.

Waiter: "Are you ready to make your orders?"

Time skip

We left the restaurant and went to Jin and Jisoo's to pick up Bae. 

Me: "Thank you unnie and oppa for taling care of my little baby"

Jin: "She is annoying--"

Jisoo: "Adorable"

Namjoon: "How is she annoying?"

Jin: "She was crying"

Me: "You are retarded"

Jin: "Yah!--"

Jisoo: "Jin, babies cry"

Jin: "That baby is going to get me wrinkles"

Me: "Take that back"

Jin: "Fine, she was actually quite fun. She was crying at first when you left"

Me: "Not my little Bae"

I lifted her up and started to kiss her chubby cheeks. She started to laugh and I smiled.

Namjoon: "Well, let's get going since it's getting late"

Me: "Bye~"

We left and put Bae in her car seat. We arrived home and we put Bae to sleep.

Me: "Are you ready for your present?"

Namjoon: "Yes"

Me: "Ok, let me go get it"

I went to our room and got a little box from my nightstand. I went in the hallway to see Namjoon waiting.

I walked up to him and gave him the box.

Namjoon opened it revealing a ring that looks like a watch.

Namjoon: "Wow, this is unique"

Me: "Like you. You are different and I love that"

I leaned towards him and kissed him.

Namjoon: "Thank you baby" He kissed my cheek

Then we heard Bae crying.

Me: "I will go change"

Namjoon: "Ok"

I went to our room and got into this,

I walked to Bae's room Nd saw Namjoon playing with her

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I walked to Bae's room Nd saw Namjoon playing with her. She was laughing and I smiled at the view.

I walked from behind and popped my head out of nowhere. I smiled when Bae looked at me. She smiled and I almost died from her adorableness.

Me: "Bae, are you being good to daddy?"

Namjoon: "Daddy?"

Me: "Not now"

Namjoon: "It's kinda weird to--"

Me: "Not now"

Namjoon: "I love you both so much"

Me: "We love you too"

Namjoon was holding Bae in his arms and I got infront of her. I kissed her on her forehead and all I have to say is that these 2 human beings are my drugs. They are addicting.

Not the best thing to compare but you get it

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