Chapter 35

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Jennie's P.O.V.

I am now 9 months pregnant and I feel like shit. I am happy but tired. I am happy that this angel is coming to this world soon but the contractions are starting. The baby is starting to kick. At first, it was exciting but later on, it started to hurt a little. I am so big that I can't even see my feet and my feet hurt.

I was in the bed ready to fall asleep while Namjoon was reading poetry to the baby like usual until my contractions started.

Me: "Shit" I started to try to work on my breathing but then they get worse.

I got up and tried to move around. This happened before and it turned out that I had to fart but this feels different.

Namjoon: "Baby, are you ok?"

Me: "Yeah--"

I got cut off by hearing something.

My water broke.

Me: "Joonie"

Namjoon: "Your water broke"

Contractions started and I started to moan in pain

Me: "Joonie!!"

Namjoon: "Let's go"

He helped me leave the house and we went into his personal drivers car. We sped to the hospital.

I was sent to a room and I saw nurses and my doctor coming in the room. I was breathing heavily and I saw Namjoon coming into the room with a nurses outfit on.

Namjoon held onto my hand and I squeezed it tightly.

Outside in the waiting room
Nobody's P.O.V.

Taehyung: "I can't wait to see the baby"

Yoongi: "There is going to be more crying"


Jimin: "Damn, we never got to do the contest"

Rosé: "Jimin!"

Hoseok: "I am going to check up on her"

Y/N: "But Namjoon is in there"

Hoseok: "I know but I want to see if the baby's head is out too"

Y/N: "Ok"

Hoseok left and opened the door to the room. They heard Jennie screaming in pain and they saw Hoseok walk inside.

Hoseok: "How is it going---"

Jennie: "GET OUT!!!!!!"

Hoseok instantly left the room and came back to the rest of them.

Hoseok: "I am blind"

He plopped into his seat and we all laughed at his expression.

Jennie's dad: "I feel so embarrassed"

Time skip
Jennie's P.O.V.

After a few hours, our baby was finally here. She was outside of my uterus and I heard little cries. I started to cry out of joy and I heard sobs. I looked over to Namjoon and saw him crying.

The doctor gave our baby to me with a blanket around her body.

Dr. Lee: "Mr. Kim, do you want the honors to cut the cord?"

Namjoon nodded and cut the umbilical cord.

I am holding Bae in my arms and I didn't take my eyes off of her. She was still crying and I chuckled. I rubbed her head with my thumb.

Me: "Hi Bae, it's Mommy"

I kissed her head and smiled.

Namjoon: "Hi, I am your daddy baby"

He put his big hand on her small head.

She is the most beautiful living thing on earth.

Me: "Joonie, do you want to hold our daughter Joonie?"

Namjoon: "Yes"

I passed Bae to Namjoon and he smiled widely, causing his dimples to show and he had tears leaving his eyes.

Namjoon: "Hi Bae, it's your appa. I hope you listened to the poetry I read to you every night"

I giggled and heard the door opening reveling everyone including my dad walking inside of the room.

They gasped when they saw Bae.

Dad: "Wow, can I hold her first since I am the grandparent?"

Me: "Sure appa"

Time skip

After everyone had their time with Bae, they left since it was late. I was breastfeeding her right now and Namjoon was quietly watching and he was looking at the angel we created.

Namjoon: "She is beautiful"

Me: "She has my eyes but tye rest if her is mixed with us"

Namjoon: "I can agree"

My eyelids started to get heavy and everything went black.

Namjoon's P.O.V.

I held Bae into my arms and I can't take my eyes off of her. I kissed her forehead and in one hand I took out a book that had poems. I turned to my favorite poem and read ut to her.

Idk where my story is going😂

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