Chapter 23

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Jennie's P.O.V.

After Jungkook has been in jail, Lisa has been visiting him and writing letters to him. Jisoo found out that she buren or she can't have any kids so Jin is relieved but sad about it. I don't blame him because if him being a mafia but Jisoo is his wife.

Me and Namjoon have been going on dates, Hoseok and Y/N been sneaking around. Taehyung, Yoongi and their sugar baby are still having threesomes. Jimin has been less of a cocky, horny bitch hoe and is finally a man. He is more mature and I am happy about that.

I was at the convince store since I was running low on food. I haven't checked how much money was in my bank account since I didn't think about it really.

I finished picking out the things I needed and went to the atm. I put in my code and saw how much money I had.

580,294,000.00₩ ($520,000)


I paid for my groceries and went home. I put my groceries away and sat on the couch. Was he still paying me? I got fired from my jobs since I forgot about them so I know that wasn't it.

I was confused and I shrugged it off. I went to my designing room and started to draw a knew design. The room isn't a mess but there is a lot of paper everywhere.

I stopped with the design and started to clean up.

Namjoon's P.O.V.

I was in my office until I heard someone knocking on my door.

Me: "Come in!"

Hoseok: "Boss!!"

Hoseok barged into the office looking happy but angry

Me: "What is it?"

Hoseok: "We found them"

Me: "Who?"

Hoseok: "The people who killed you parents. I had Yoongi go over to where they were staying and he has to be a 'Butler'. He iver heard them talking about you. They are targeting you"

Me: "Do they know--"

Hoseok: "They have been watching over you for months. They know about where you live, the fake CEO thing and...."

Me: "And?"

Hoseok: "Jennie"

Me: "Please tell me that they are not targeting her"

Hoseok: "I am sorry boss. They are planning to do it tonight"

Me: "They know where she lives?"

Hoseok: "Yes, they know everything about her too"

Me: "What time?"

Hoseok: "At--"

We heard a phone ring and it was Hoseok's.

Hoseok: "Hello? What?!?!? Why?!?! Ok I will tell him"

He hung up and looked at me.

Hoseok: "They left way too early. Tjat was Yoongi and he said that they left to kidnap her"

Me: "Tell everyone to get ready"

Hoseok: "Ok boss"

Hoseok left the office and Namjoon started to get really mad. He was at the point where he will break everything in the room.

He got up and pressed a button from behind a portrait of himself. There was a big door opening reveling his battle clothing and weapons.

He got into those and packed the weapons I am bringing.

I went to the first floor to see tye guys except Jungkook since he is still in jail.

We got into the van and Jin was speeding to Jennie's house. We got here and I barged in to see it a mess.


I looked everywhere and I didn't see her. I went to her designing room and saw blood on her desk. I fell onto the ground and started to cry.

Me: "Why? Why did they have to take my preasious babygirl?!?

I stood back up and I was beyond furious. You can mess with me but not the people I love.

I left the designing room and saw that everyone was at the front door.

Me: "Hoseok, where is the place they are staying at?"


Me: "Let's go"

Jennie's P.O.V.

I woke up in a dark room and looked around. The last thing I remember was someone breaking into my house and knocking me out.

Just then, someone started to talk.

???: "Well well well. Sleeping beauty finally woken up"

Me: "Let me go!!"

???: "And why would we do that pretty girl?"

I staid quiet but I moved around.

Me: "Let me out you dumb bitch!!!'

???: "You have a dirty mouth for a pretty girl"

Me: "Let me out of here!!!"

???: "No!! Shut the fuck up you bitch!!!"

Me: "Make me dumb ass--"

I felt pain on my cheek. This man just slapped me

Me: "Is that all you got? You hit like a 3 year old little girl"

The next thing I knew was something hit me in the stomach. I saw another man with a baseball bat.

Me: "Y-you fucker!!"

???2: "Shut up bitch!!" The man with the bat said.

???: "Why don't you teach this slut a lesson?"

???2: "My pleasure"

After that man left, the room was filled with my screams and cries.

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