Chapter 11

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This chapter will have some mature content

The Next Morning
Jennie's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling pain in my lower area. I opened my eyes to see Namjoon's Part of the bed empty

(Which side should be his? Right or left?)

I tried to get up but I fell onto the bed.

Me: "Shit"

I was trying to get up until I felt 2 masculine arms picking me up bridal style.

I looked up to see Namjoon.

Me: "Did you really have to go that hard?"

Namjoon: "You asked to so"

I groaned but blushed. I buried my face into his chest

Namjoon: "You look cute while blushing"

Me: "Shut up"

The next thing I knew was that I was getting put into warm water with bubbles. Namjoon came in from behind and started to clean my back.

I started to clean my front part and my coochie. I felt really clean so I turned around.

Me: "Let me clean your back"

Namjoon's P.O.V.

When she insisted to clean my back, I panicked. She still doesn't know that we are mafias, not only mafias, but the most feared mafias in the world.

Me: "No thanks, I already took a shower"

Jennie: "Then why are you in here?"

Me: "Well I was being nice"

Jennie: "Oh but why can't clean your back? It isn't easy to do it to yourself"

Because I have bullet scars and cuts on my back from the battles we have.

Me: "I can't tell you that"

Jennie: "It's fine, you might not be comfortable telling me. That is ok"

I smiled softly and put her onto my lap

Me: "Round 2?" I smirked towards her

Jennie: "No way, I'm still sore from last night. Are you crazy?"

Me: "Kidding kidding"

Jennie's P.O.V.

We were done bathing and I quickly got my clothes and got into this,

We were done bathing and I quickly got my clothes and got into this,

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I left my hair out and didn't bother putting on makeup. I saw Namjoon in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt but looked hot as fuck in it.

Namjoon: "Like the view?" He said in a cocky way

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