Chapter 18

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Jennie's P.O.V.

Namjoon and I decided to go to an amusement park today. I got into this before leaving with Namjoon.

 I got into this before leaving with Namjoon

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Namjoon: "You look cute"

Me: "And you look hot as fuck"

Namjoon: "Ok, let's go" He says while blushing.

We left the house and went to the amusement park.

Me: "Joonie! Let's go there!! It seems fun!"

I pulled Namjoon with me to a ride.

Time skip

We were at a food truck and I had a hot dog with chips along with Namjoon.

Me: "Joonie, let's sit in the shade, it's hot out today"

We sat on the picnic table and started to eat our lunch.

While we were eating our lunch, I saw a girl come up to our table and stood beside Namjoon.

Girl: "Oh! Hello handsome~"

Me: "Ahem! He is taken"

Girl: "Oh, where is his partner?"

Me: "You are talking to her"

Girl: "I don't see much"

Me: "Get away from my boyfriend before this is down your throat" I point out my hot dog

Girl: "I had plenty of those down my throat if you know what I mean"

Me: "Go away bitch before I kill your ass"

Girl: "Yeah right"

I got up and started to pull her hair. I pulled her down to the table and started to bang her head against the table multiple times.

Namjoon pulled me away and back hugged me.

After a few moments, the ambulance came and took her away. The bitch got a concussion and I don't regret doing that.

Moral lesson:
Don't flirt with my man

Namjoon: "Let's go home"

Me: "Ok Joonie"

We went home but I wanted to walk around the neighborhood with Namjoon. While we were on our walk, we bumped into a couple. A familiar couples

???: "Jennie?"

Me: "Dad?"

Dad: "I got a call that you got kicked out of the university! Why can't you just do something right for once?!?! You are such a disappointment!!"

My step-mother was smirking beside him while looking at me. He says this all the time but it still hurts.

Namjoon: "Not to be rude--"

Dad: "Are you the Kim Namjoon? World famous CEO?"

Namjoon: "Uhh yeah"

Dad: "Why are with her?"

Namjoon: "Well she is my girlfriend and I love her. She is not a disappointment, she is a talented young lady"

Step-mother: "She probably got into his pants for him to say that"

Namjoon: "You know what, she doesn't need this treatment from peasants. She is a queen but you just can't see it"

I looked up at him and smiled. I hugged onto his arm and looked at them.

Dad: "Do you know who I am?"

Namjoon: "Yes but do you know who she is?" *Points to me* "She is your daughter and you are letting this gold digger next to you to break you two apart. Jennie felt like she didn't belong because of her"

Dad: "She isn't a gold digger"

Namjoon: "I know one when I see one. My brother just broke up with his girlfriend because she was a gold digger"

Me: "Joonie, let's go"

Namjoon: "Ok baby, let's go"

Me: "Bye appa"

We turned around and walked for a short distance. I hugged Namjoon and he hugged me back

Jennie's Dad's P.O.V.

I saw them walking away and hug. All I wished for was for her to be happy and my wish came true.

I looked over to my wife and she didn't look happy

Me: "Come on Crystal, let's go home"

Crystal: "Ok honey"

Jennie's P.O.V.

Me: "Thank you Joonie"

Namjoon: "It's ok, I was stating facts. You are my queen"

Me: "And you are my king"

I pecked his lips and we went inside of the house.

Me: "Ooh, Joonie! Wanna chill and watch Netflix?"

Namjoon: "Sure"

I went up to my room and changed into this before going to the living room,

I went up to my room and changed into this before going to the living room,

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Me: "I am going to make snacks--"

Namjoon: "The popcorn is almost done"

Me: "Ok, well I will pick out a movie"

Namjoon: "Ok"

While we were watching the movie, my doorbell rang.

Me: "I will get it"

I went up to the door and it reviled to be Lisa.

Me: "Hey gir--"

Lisa: "I need some advice"

Me: "Ok?"

Lisa: "What does it mean when a boy is always around you and they blush everytime you look into their eyes"

Me: "They might have a crush on you. Why?"

Lisa: "Nothing but what would you do?"

Me: "I would be flattered that someone likes me but I would ask them if they like me but what would you do?"

Lisa: "I don't know"

Me: "Figure it out"

Lisa: "Ok thanks unnie"

Me: "Bye Lali"

I closed the door and went back to the living room.

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