Chapter 7

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The Next Morning
Jennie's P.O.V.

I woke up and felt reall comfortable. I opened my eyes to see Namjoon. I was laying my head on his chest while his arm was under my waist but he held me with it.

I smiled but then frowned at something. I don't have any clothes here. I looked up at Namjoon and saw his eyebrows furrowed. I put his hair away from his eyes and smiled.

It has been 2 weeks since we first met. I was trying to get up but he would hold on tighter. I looker uo at him and saw him looking down at me.

Namjoon: "Just a little bit longer?"

Me: "But I don't have any clothes here"

Namjoon: "I am going to call a guy to get your stuff"

Me: "O-ok, thanks"

Namjoon: "No problem, let's go back to sleep"

Me: "You are lazy"

Namjoon: "No I'm not"

Me: "Why are you still wanting to sleep?"

Namjoon: "I don't get enough sleep"

Me: "Oh"

He did something on his phone so I think he is sending someone to my dorm to pick up some clothes and some other things

I got off of his chest and laid on my back. I pulled his head onto my chest and he put his other arm around my waist, hugging me.

I started to comb out his soft hair and hummed a tune that my mother sang before she died. It is a relaxing tune she sang to me before going to bed. 

I heard soft snores so I know he was asleep. My eyes started to close and I fell asleep.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

I felt bad for leaving my hyungs the next day so I decided to go home. I wrote a note to Jieun and I hope she understands.

I left her house and went to mine. I saw a man at the door with some things in his hand and went inside the mansion. He was Namjoon's worker.

I shrugged it off and went inside of the mansion.

When I walked in, I saw an unknown girl, Lisa ans Jisoo on the couch watching memes and stuff.

I need to speak to Namjoon hyung and apologise. I went into his room to see him sleeping with Jennie. I took a picture and sent it to the guys and Jisoo.

Eventually, everyone came to his room and saw them sleeping. We all were taking pictures until we hurd groaning.

Namjoon opened his eyes to see us frozen.

Namjoon: "I can't have a day without peace"

He looked around until he saw Jennie's chest. He looked at her and saw her sleeping.

After a few moments of us standing there, she woke up.

Jennie: "What the? What's going on?"

Me: "Nothing"

Worker: "Mr. Kim, I got the things you needed"

Namjoon: "Thank you. You can set them down by my closet"

The worker put the suitcases by his closed and bowed before leaving. I turned around but when I did, I saw Lisa right behind me and we are super close.

I looked into her eyes and looked away. I went to my room since I was embarrassed.

Jennie's P.O.V.

After everyone left Namjoon's room, I got up and stretched. I took out my phone and saw it was past noon.

I went into the suitcase and got an outfit before doing my morning routine.

After my morning routine, I got into this,

I got out of the bathroom and went downstairs to see the girls and the guys

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I got out of the bathroom and went downstairs to see the girls and the guys.

I sat on Namjoon's lap since there wasn't any room left.

Jimin: "He doesn't like it when people sit on him--"

Namjoon: "I'm fine with it"

Me: "Jimin, just shhh"

Rosé: "Soooo--"

Taehyung: "Damn, you are pretty"

Jimin: "That's my sugar baby bitch"

Taehung: "No!! We are not doing that bitch beach shit again"

Jisoo: "Jennie, Namjoon, do you want some lunch since you two slept through breakfast?"

Me: "Sure"

Namjoon: "Yeah"

Jisoo went to the kitchen to make us some lunch. Jin volunteered to help.

Hoseok: "Did you two fuck?"

I choked

Namjoon: "No"

Jimin: "You should have"

We looked at him

Namjoon: "Why?"

Jimin: "It's better that way"

Rosé: "He is right"

Me: "I didn't really expect this from you Rosé"

Rosé: "Same"

Jimin: "It feels better"

Jennie: "Ok whatever"

Taehyung: "Yoongi hyung has been quiet. Quieter than usual"

Yoongi: "Oh I was texting my sugar baby"

Hoseok: "Well, since everyone a type of partner or something, I am going to get a dating app. I am not going to stay young and sexy forever"

I snorted at his statement

Lisa: "Unnie! You know your snorts make me laugh"

Me: "I snorted?"

Rosé: "Like a pig"

I smiled from embarrassment and looked away.

Jisoo: "Lunch is ready!!"

We got up and went to the dining room.

My Sugar Daddy   {Namjen}Where stories live. Discover now