Chapter 12

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Jennie's P.O.V.

After Namjoon and I had 3 rounds in the gym(If you know what I mean😏) we left the gym and went to his room.

When we got to his room, I instantly sat onto his bed.

Namjoon: "Jennie, I have a surprise for you"

Me: "What is it?"

Namjoon: "You have to change first"

Me: "You are right"

I went into the shower to freshen up. After the warm shower, I got into this,

 After the warm shower, I got into this,

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Me: "I'm ready Joonie"

Namjoon held my hand and lead me outside into his car. He drove around until we stopped at a place.

A house?

Namjoon walked inside and I was really confused. He showed me around and it was a comfy kind of house.

Me: "This place is nice, but why are we here?"

Namjoon: "This is your new home"

It took me a bit to process. I started to cry and he looked worried.

Namjoon: "Hey, why are you crying? Don't you like it"

Me: "Yes I love it but... Nobody has done this to me before and thank you Joonie"

He pulled me close to him and I laid my head onto his chest. I cried into it while his right hand was on my head and his left hand was rubbing my waist.

The house:

I pulled away and dried my tears

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I pulled away and dried my tears.

Me: "Wait, why is there an empty room?"

Namjoon: "When you make your designs"

I squealed out of happiness and kissed him. He was shocked but he kissed me back. He held onto my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

???: "Ahem"

I broke the kiss and saw someone"

Namjoon: "Sorry Mr. Lee"

He pulled away and shook hands with him

My Sugar Daddy   {Namjen}Where stories live. Discover now