Chapter 20

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Jennie's P.O.V.

I was on top of Namjoon's sleeping figure on my bed. We were naked and we were under the covers. I slowly got up and I struggled a bit to go to the bathroom since I was still sore from last nigh on the couch.

I was in the shower, doing my morning routine and felt hands on my waist. I knew who it was and smiled.

Me: "Good morning Joonie"

Namjoon: "Good morning Jennie"

I turned around and faced him. I put my hands to the back of his head and swayed my hips.

Namjoon: "There isn't any music playing"

Me: "Well, there is music playing in my head"

Namjoon: "What song?"

Me: "Stuck with U"

Namjoon: "Oh, that song is rely good. I like how Ariana Grande hit those hig notes at the very end of the song in the back round"

Me: "I like the part when the beat drops and they sing 'you' loudly"

Namjoon: "It's a good song"

Me: "I know"

I started to wash Namjoon with some mens soap that I bought for him when he stays the night.

Namjoon: "Ahh, I forgot to get something for our date"

Me: "What?"

Namjoon: "It's going to be a surprise"

Me: "Ok"

We got out of the shower and we got dressed. Namjoon packed 5 outfits but I bought a few outfits for him.

He got into a pair of joggers and an oversized t-shirt while, I got into this,

Namjoon went to the living room while I went into the kitchen to make breakfast

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Namjoon went to the living room while I went into the kitchen to make breakfast.

While I was making breakfast, I felt muscular arms wrap around my waist. It's my Joonie

I made pancakes, sausage links and eggs. I got some orange juice and poured some inside of 2 clear glass cups.

I looked at Namjoon and caught him taking a picture of me.

Me: "Jonnie~ stop! I look ugly"

Namjoon: "Do not say that ever again! You are the most beautiful woman in the universe. I may not be religious but god took his time on you baby"

Me: "You are making me blush"

Namjoon: "You look cute when you blush"

Me: "Let's just eat our breakfast"

I put our breakfast on the island and we started to eat our breakfast.

Me: "I need some tea today"

Namjoon: "Why? Are you on a diet--"

Me: "No I mean drama from the boys"

Namjoon: "Why?"

Me: "It's entertaining"

Namjoon: "I can agree"

We finished our breakfast and went to the mansion.

Namjoon: "I'm home--"

Jungkook: "Hoseok I swear I will kill you!!"

Hoseok: "It's hyung--"

Jungkook: "You're embarrassing me!!"

Yoongi: "I can agree that that was embarrassing"

Me: "What's going on?"

Taehyung: "Hoseok hyung told Lisa that Jungkook has iron man underwear"

(Ok so I was listening to Cypher pt 3 and I listened to Yoongi's part. So tell me why I heard blowjob in his verse? I know he didn't say it but I guess it was misheard lyrics. Btw when I was writing this part, house if cards came on. Ok I didn't have to write that down but this song makes me feel a way)

Me: "And how did she react?"

Jungkook: "She laughed. My life is over"

Jin: "Boy, it just started"

Jisoo: "It's fine Jungkook, she might have thought it was cute"

Jungkook: "Why do you act like you care about me!! You are not my mother!"

Jin: "Jungkook!! Respect her!! Jisoo and I have practically raised you"

Me: "Ok this isn't really the tea I wanted to see"

Namjoon: "Jungkook, you need to be nice to Jisoo"

Jungkook: "Yeah ok"

He left and went into his room.

Me: "Jisoo, are you ok?"

Jisoo: "Yeah"

Me: "Ooh, let's go shopping!"

Jisoo: "With the girls"

Me: "If they are not busy"

Jisoo: "Ok"

I called them and luckily they were free.

Me: "We should meet up with them at the mall"

Jisoo: "Ok, I'm going to call an uber"

Me: "Ok"

We have to wait and I just sat on Namjoon's lap.

I laid my head on his chest and played with his fingers.

Jimin: "Did you two fuck last night?"

Me: "Jimin!!"

Jimin: "I was wondering since you are walking funny"

Me: "I might be a little sore but I'm fine"

Jimin: "Was he good?"

Me: "The best fuck I had"

Namjoon: "Really?"

Me: "Yup!"

We started to hear moans but everyone was in here except.... Jungkook

Jimin: "He is masturbating and he might moan Lisa's name"

Me: "That--"

Then we heard a honk.

Me: "Let's go unnie!"

Me and Jisoo left the mansion and went to the mall. We went to the gucci store to meet up with the girls.

Lisa: "Hey!"

Jisoo: "Hey Lisa"

Rosé: "Hey girls"

Me: "Why didn't you tell me that you were dating Jimin?"

Rosé: "Uhhh"

Jisoo: "What did Hoseok tell you Lisa?"

Lisa: "That Jungkook is a good singer, why?"

Jisoo: "They-- never mind"

???: "Hey babe"

Lisa: "Hey Sehun"

Me: "Is he your boyfriend?"

Lisa: "Yeah, we have been in a relationship for a month now"

Me: "Damn!! You didn't bother to tell me?"

Lisa: "Uhh"

Me: "Best friend betrayals"

Jisoo: "Should we start shopping?"

Me: "Sure"

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