Chapter 20

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Honestly I really like these little smut scenes so thinks are getting spicy. just a heads up. for if you are not comfortable with any of those scenes. 




After our morning make-out session -that I kind of already regretted- we went downstair and grabbed some breakfast. We sat down on the couch and I stared at Blade. I know that I agreed to this benefit thing but I am seriously second guessing myself. I am really attracted to Blade, there is no doubt about that. but we are also friends. That's not even the main reason that I am having doubts. I am still a virgin. I mean I have done stuff with boys in the past but it was when I was drunk during a party or something. I am scared that Blade expects more. Also, I don't want anyone to find out.

I sigh and look at my food. "So, do you want to set some ground rules?" Blade asks me. "Rules?" he nods at me. "Yeah, you know so that we know where we stand with one another." I put down the bowl and turn my body towards him. "Okay, that sounds logical." I tell him. "Alright I'll be right back." He says before he jumps of the couch. He returns a minute later with a pen and a notebook. I raise an eyebrow.

"What's that for?"

"Well so we can write the rules down. Just like in "To All the Boys I've Loved Before."

I stifle a laugh. "You watched that?"

"Uh yes of course I did."

"Okay." I say with a smile. Honestly this boy loves Romantic movies and books. Which is sort of strange since he doesn't believe in love. Oh well I honestly think he is lying about that or that he doesn't know that he believes in love. You know what I mean?

"So, the first rule." He says in a cheery voice. "Is that no one can know about us. Not even our friends." I nod at that. it is going to be hard and strange to keep a secret from my friends and I will tell them eventually. Probably when its over. I mean I have to be realistic here, this agreement or whatever it is isn't going to last forever. But for now, it's best to keep it between us.

"Okay so the second rule is no sex." I say while keeping my eyes trained on his face to see how he will react. He just nods and writes it down. "Yeah that's fair." I give him a small smile. I'm glad that he respects my wishes. I mean honestly it isn't much if you think about it but the guys nowadays aren't like this anymore.

"Third rule. We can only see each other. So, no funny business with others. However long it lasts we will stay loyal to each other." I am a bit surprised that he comes up with this rule, I mean it is Blade. He fucks everything and everyone. "Are you sure about that." I ask him teasingly. "Are you sure that you can handle that? I mean no sex?" he gives me an irritated look and writes down the rule. "I can stay loyal if I want to." He then says a little angry. I throw my hands up in the air. "If you say so." He huffs but ignores me. Guess I have touched a soft spot.

"Do you have any other rules?" he asks me. I think about it for a minute but nothing really pops up into my head. I shrug my shoulders. "No not really." He leans backwards into the couch and stretches his arms above his head. His shirt lifts up a little bit causing me to have a perfect view of his lower stomach and the little line of hair that leads into his pants. I bite my lip but I don't look away. I don't know why but that little line that guys have from their belly button down to their pants is so attractive to me.

I stand up from the couch and walk over to him. I can see that he is still a bit irritated and I smile to myself. He looks at me and I stop before him. his gaze rakes over my entire body and I suppress a shiver. I climb on his lap with my legs on both sides of his so that I am straddling him. truth be told this is my favorite position. He is still leaning backwards into the couch and he places his hands behind his head. His eyes emotionless. At least he tries to keep them that way but I can see the lust through it. "Awh is someone a bit pissy?" I coo at him. he rolls his eyes but I can see the corner of his mouth quirk upwards. I lean forward and press my chest against his. I grab his hands and place them on my ass. I smirk at him and place small kisses along his jaw.

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