Chapter 30

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Hey guys, I am back. It has been a week or so and I promise you, usually I update waaaay faster. These last couple of weeks have just been chaos. Anyways I hope to make it up to you with some smut hehe.

Also I kind of want a new cover but I suck at making them so yay me lol.  

Enjoy this chapter!


Emotianal disaster 


It was Thursday evening. Tomorrow would be the day of the Halloween party. I was actually looking forward to it. I just finished the movie Instant Family for the second time and I cannot stop crying. I even cried at parts that weren't even that sad so that is probably a sign that my period is arriving soon.

Yay me.

The bel rang and I stood up to open the door. "Hey what are you doing here?" I asked when I saw Blade. Unless I forgot we made any plans.

He is wearing a big grin on his handsome face and his cheeks are stained with tears just like mine. He stepped forward and engulfed me in a tight hug. "He woke up." He whispered into my ear. I heard him hold in his tears. "Oh my god I am so happy for you!" my voice broke because I am an emotional mess and I placed my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me.

We stepped apart after a few moments. "Shouldn't you be with him?" I asked curiously as I let him in. We walked over to the kitchen and I handed him a bottle of water from the fridge and grabbed one for myself. "No, I have been with him for the past two hours. He is doing really well but he needed to rest. My parents are still with him though." I nodded my head in understanding

"So today is a good day than, first we get a 100% for art and now your brother is woken up." I smile at him and lift the bottle up to my lips before I take a small sip. He nods. "Yeah, but what is up with you? You seemed sad just now." He walked closer to me and grabbed my waist. I shrug. "It was nothing, just watched a movie that made me cry. I guess I'm out of chocolate or anything." He chuckles and kisses my forehead. "You would cry without your comfort food." He agrees and I let out a laugh.

"Can I stay the night?" he asks while wiping the leftover tears from my cheek with his thumb. All I want these days is spend time with him, be in his presence, touch him. so of course, I say yes. My parents are out of town anyways. Even if they weren't, I don't think that they would mind that much. My dad might take a little longer to agree but if my mom and I looked at him with that look he would definitely cave.

Blade brings my body even closer to him and I put my arms around his waist. I place my head against his chest and hear his loud heartbeat. I smile a little, knowing the effect I have on him. The smile soon disappears when I remember it is just physical.

I pull out of the hug. "Want to watch vampire diaries upstairs?" He nods. "Yeah sure, I'll be right there I just have something I need to do really quick." I nod and give him the housekey so I can make myself comfortable upstairs.

Halve an hour later he returns with his backpack in hand. He changed in some grey sweats and a white t-shirt that is clinging to his chest. Not fair. He sees me checking him out and sends a wink my way. I just roll my eyes and roll onto my stomach. This time it is his time to check me out. I am wearing one of his oversized shirts and a small pajamas bottom. My ass isn't sticking out though, I am keeping it classy. I smirk when I see his eyes racking all over my body.

Normally I feel really uncomfortable when guys do it, but not with Blade. I guess it is because he makes me feel save. I don't feel violated or anything. I don't know how to explain it. My body heats under his gaze and I press my thighs together. Of course, he notices which makes him grin and me blush.

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