Chapter 33

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The start of a good time


The others including Blade arrive a few minutes after we do. I give Mia and Isaac a hug. Josh hasn't been to school in the past few week because he had a fever but he texted us that he felt better yesterday so he would probably still manage to make it, just a little bit later than the rest of us.

"Let's get this show on the road." Isaac says as he excitedly claps his hands. I chuckle and shake my head. Heads turned as we walked to the entrance of the hotel and I felt a bit uneasy but shrugged it off. We decided to walk there since it was only a few blocks away. 

I hooked my arm through Cameron's and smiled up at him. "So, are you any good?" I ask him. He chuckled. "Of course, I am." Blade scoffed from behind us and I rolled my eyes.

The past week he has gone out of his way to be extra mean to me and I don't know if I could do this for much longer. Even though we haven't properly talked in over a month and all we do is insult each other my feelings for him have not faded one bit. It feels like they only got stronger, which is a pity.

I looked back at him and smiled. "I can't wait to see you fall flat on your ugly face."

He clenches his jaw and look at me in anger before grinning. Honestly this boy has some serious issues. He comes up next to me and assesses my body with his eyes which makes me suppress a shiver. "If you ran like your mouth, you'd be in good shape." He says unapologetically.

My mouth falls open and I lunge at him but Cameron stops me. "Come on guys, can't you be nice to each other for once? Its Christmas." I glare at Blade and he shrugs his shoulders.

"Sure, I haven't done my charity work this year anyways."

"Okay that's it!" I yell and a few people passing on the street look at me weirdly. Well I don't give a damn. Veronica turns around and sees what is going on. She tells the others to walk on and points to a quiet spot on the sidewalk. She grabs Blade's hand and pulls him with her while Cameron is dragging me over there.

I give him a mean look for not being on my side and cross my arms over each other while Blade is leaning against the wall, not having a care in the world. "Okay guys, I get that you hate each other. You made that perfectly clear this past month but it is time to act normal." I open my mouth but Veronica gives me a look that says "Shut up or else" so I shut my mouth again. "I am not saying that you two have to like each other-"

"Good, because that is never going to happen." Blade interrupts her and he earns himself a mean look from Ronnie and a sigh from Cameron.

"As I was saying." Ronnie continues. "You don't have to like each other but please be civil? Don't ruin this trip for the rest of us." She looks between us curiously. "I don't know what happened but work it out or shut up, alright?" I bite my lip and nod. She is right, it isn't fair to the others who are trying to enjoy themselves.

She turns to look at Blade and he gives a shrug. "Sure."

Ronnie sighs and looks up to Cameron who looks the other way as soon as she does. I furrow my brows but let them be. "So, can we go skate now?" I ask and they all nod.


I had so much fun. As predicted Ronnie fell flat on her ass for at least fifteen times. Her face had been so funny that everyone laughed. The skating rink was pretty big so I lost sight of all of them pretty often. This was one of those times and I stumbled on my ice-skates. After skating for over two hours my body had grown tired and I wasn't as good as before. Which is why it was totally understandable that my legs did not listen to the direction I wanted to go in. 

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