Chapter 15

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The following day went by smoothly and it was now lunch time. I walked to our usual table and sat down. Mia was already there but the others weren't. "Hey, how was class?" I asked her. She groaned. "It was honestly horrible. Blade was in my class and he continually interrupted the class. You know I love Spanish." I let out a laugh. Yeah, I did know. "but besides that, it was alright." She said. "Good" I said and took a bite out of my delicious muffin. I saw James on the other side of the cafeteria and I smiled at him. we have been texting but we haven't hung out since that first time because we were both busy. I really should propose a date though.

"Hey guys." I heard and Veronica, Josh and Nick joined us. Josh and Nick were engrossed in a conversation about the series 'Reign'. I've seen it once. It was pretty good. Honestly Adelaide Kane was so freaking pretty. She carried the show. Not that the other weren't good or anything but I'm just a fan of her. Suddenly I was shoved to the side by Blade. "Hello Angel." Blade said to me with a grin. I was a little confused. Since when do they sit here? Isaac and Cameron also made themselves comfortable on our table. Veronica threw me a look, as if to say what is happening? I shrugged my shoulders. I have no clue. Also did Blade just call me angel?

"Did you have to push me out of the way?" I asked him. "there was plenty of room on that side." I pointed towards the other bench. "Yeah could be but of course I wanted to sit next to my best friend." He said with a hand on his heart. I rolled my eyes, yes there we go again. "I hate you." I muttered. "Tut tut, don't be so sure of that." he said while looking for something in his bag. He pulled out a lunch box. I looked at him questioningly. "Uhm why is that?" he opened the lunch box and I saw pizza. My eyes widened. "Because of this." He confidently stated. My mouth started to water. Pizza, pizza, pizza. It looks so good!

He slid the lunch box over to me. I looked at him in surprise. I thought he was going to annoy me with it, by eating the pizza right in front of my face. "Because I've been stealing your lunch." He said. a big smile came onto my face. "Thank you!" I squealed and attacked the lunch box. He chuckled and shook his head. "God you eat like a pig." Josh said. I just stuck out my tongue full of pizza. "Gross!" all of the table said in unison. I just smiled at them smugly. Bunch of fuckers.

Suddenly I heard heels clicking. "Hey Blade." We heard a voice say. Ugh its Layla. She could be so pretty if she didn't cake her face and didn't dress so...naked? I don't like to slut shame. Girls gotta stick up for girls. So even though I don't like her, not one bit. I wont ever say someone is a slut or a whore for sleeping around and dressing slutty. I mean I dress slutty sometimes too, just not to school. I don't want perverted teachers and guys looking at me. At a party they still kinda do but even though there are lots of people at parties there were way more people at school.

"Hey Layla." Blade grins. "I really enjoyed our time the other day. Maybe we could do it again sometime?" her hand rested on his shoulder and she sat next to him on the bench. With her back to the table. "For sure." He nodded. Layla smiled, placed a kiss on his cheek and walked away. Honestly you can say what you want about her but she was not sticky. We had a couple of those around the school and it was just sad to see.

I did feel a bit uneasy though. I don't know why. Since the bell would ring in five minutes anyway, I decided to walk to class early. So, I stood up from the table and waved goodbye at everyone.


After school I walked over to Blade's car because we would go to my house to work on the project. He wasn't there yet so I sat on the hood of his car. Twenty minutes later he still wasn't here which annoyed me. I was hungry and I wanted to change into comfy clothes. Another ten minutes passed. His car was the only one left in the parking lot. I didn't want to go inside to find him because maybe we would miss each other. So, I decided to wait just a little bit longer. Killing the time by playing games on my phone. When he still wasn't here after another twenty minutes I groaned in annoyance.

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