(1) sticks and stones

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Hi there! Thank you for choosing to read this book and I just want to say a few things. for  starters, I made this book a few months back and my writing has improved massively since so some parts might not make sense so please excuse that. There is also a sequel book that continues after this book but you don't need to read this book to understand what's happening in the sequel. So, if you're not enjoying this book you could try the sequel because it's a different plot and characters and it goes onto the timeline of the red dragon and buffalo Bill. Anyway, enjoy this book or checkout the sequel!

I stared at myself in the mirror, seeing if my outfit
was okay, and also checking to see if I looked attractive in my party outfit. My hair was all styled and I had minimum makeup, like eyeliner and mascara. After seeing I looked attractive , I walked out my house, without saying goodbye to Maria (my mother) and Marcus was stood there waiting for me. He was very attractive and many girls wanted to fall into his arms, I was the lucky girl. "Goddamn, you look-" before he could say whatever was on the tip of his tongue, I interrupted saying "I know" and I went in to kiss him. Oh how I cherish how he kisses. He sometimes holds my jaw, or my neck, or my hips. I don't mind where, they all feel heavenly. "Ready?" I say with a smile. "Course!" He grabs a hold of my hand and we walk to the party

Once we arrive, people are making out, vomiting or drinking around the property. I wasn't a popular or an unknown girl, people knew who I was but they didn't seem intimated by me, they were intimated by Marcus. We walked in together and the crowd was huge. "I will go get us some drinks? Wanna meet at the pool?" Marcus asks me, shouting over the music. "Sure!" He pecks my cheek and disappears into the crowd, I push through the bunch of people and got to the back yard where there was a massive pool and by the sun beds were my 2 and only 2 friends. Tyler and Finn.

"Hey Grace!" Finn says with a huge smile. "Hiya!" I stroll over, in my black heels. "Where's Marcus?" Tyler asks, sipping his beer. "Gone to grab some drinks for us both" I look back at the building in hope to see him but the crowd was huge. "Who's party even is this?" I ask. "It's uh... what's his name? Uhhhhh" Finn seemed lost for words. "It's Cedric's party, Jessica said he should host one" Tyler seems to just know everything and everyone but can't remember how to solve the perimeter in maths. I felt an arm slide around my waist and push me towards their body. I could smell the aftershave he had on. "I got you a vodka and coke. That okay?" Said Marcus. "It's perfect" I say, taking a hold of my drink. "Wanna go play beer pong?" Recommended Finn. "Yeah!" We all said as a group

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