(20) Aftermath

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I woke up from my sleep, gasping from air that startled Hannibal and Jack.
"It was only a dream" Hannibal said, while pulling my hair away from my face.
"I am sorry for your loss" whimpered Jack, his smile was almost upside down looking at the state of Grace.
"I uh, I didn't know him that well. I met him in a bar... god he wanted to do so much" Grace rested her head on Hannibal's shoulder, he moved her hair to her back and Grace loved it when people stroked her hair, especially Hannibal. It was just like he knew where Grace loved it.
"How long have you known each other? Did you have any romantic affairs?" Asked Jack. He whipped out a notepad and a pen.
"Maybe this should wait, Jack" exclaimed Hannibal.
"But if we do this now, she can go home and not think of it" Jack seemed to get angry, which I have never seen him get angry.
"She is my patient" Hannibal's tone was so low and it was almost threatening.
"Fine" Jack put away his notepad and pen as if he had just lost £1,000,000. Hannibal helped me onto my feet and walked me to his car, while walking to the car, I saw Will in an office, that had many windows. It was like time just froze at that moment,  Alana was in the office with him. They were talking about something and Alana seemed disappointed. Will was staring into my eyes, with his hands in his pocket. He saw the distress I was in, Hannibal holding me up and having to lift me into the air sometimes. He just stared at us walking past and he looked sad but angry too. The time corrected itself and I fell to the floor.
"We're nearly there, Grace" promised Hannibal.
"I can't do this!" I screamed, I looked like a mad woman in the middle of the FBI corridor. Hannibal looked around and saw eyes on me.
"Yes you can. You've came this far" Hannibal pulled me off the floor, our bodies thrusted against each other as he pulled me up. It pushed the air out of me and he got rosy cheeks at the noise I made. He held my body on his and practically carried me out of the building to his car. He put my arm around his Neck to hold me up while he opened the passenger door for me. He slowly placed me into the car, with his hands on my hips.
"I'm fine" I assured, putting my legs into the car. Hannibal slowly pulled his hands away from me and walked to his side of the car. I buckled myself in and he did the same, for a moment he stared at me then started his car. The engine of the car made the car vibrate at its power. I rested my head on the wild shield, avoiding to burst out crying. I didn't want him to think I'm weak.

We were driving past fields, since I requested it to keep my mind off Franklin.
"The views here are so relaxing" I said to Hannibal. The smile on my face wasn't as bright as it used to be but it was still a real smile.
"I'm glad you think that way" Hannibal changed gear  and I slowly looked forward. Something was dangling down the tree, I didn't know what it could possibly be. I first thought of a birds nest but something was hanging. As we got closer, I saw it was Abigail who was hanging, slowly rotating by being blown by the faint wind, she turned and it revealed her face. Her face was pale blue and her eyes were bloodshot. I stared in shock and horror.
"PULL OVER!" I never screamed so loud, it didn't startle Hannibal and he slowly put his car to a stop. Before he could put on the brake, I had to leap out to pull her down, as I looked up, I saw Abigail was gone, instead it was just a twig. There was no sign of a rope either. Hannibal got out the car and looked at the twig, where my eyes were fixed.
"What did you see, Grace" Asked Hannibal who walked over and felt my forehead.
"I, I saw Abigail." I took in gasps of air, still in slight shock.
"Up there?"
"She was hanging, it looked so real" Grace started to cry and hugged Hannibal. He stroked her hair and spoke to her, the vibrations I felt when he spoke was so sweet to me.
"Your only hallucinating.." he assured. He slowly hugged me tighter as he heard me sob. While he was hugging me, I was looking at the peaceful fields. I closed my eyes and took in deep breaths. However, when I opened my eyes. I saw Garret Jacob Hobbs too close to my face. I stared in terror, I felt safe that Hannibal's arm was slightly in the way, but I still wanted to run. I couldn't feel his breath since he wasn't there but the chills I got off him were extreme. The goosebumps ran all down my body, he was so close to my face that I saw every detail. I looked at his colourless eyes, his purple veins and his grey, rotting skin. He looked like a zombie almost, but I would rather see a zombie than him. Garret's mouth slowly opened too far out. His jaw seemed like it broke as I heard his bones snap. Once his mouth was just as big to swallow my head, I heard cries of girls coming out from somewhere, as if his mouth was a speaker. Then, a hand peered out of his throat. It tried to grab something but nothing was there, I just stared. The screams got louder and more hands appeared.

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