(3) therapy sucks

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I stared at my ceiling, thinking about what happened yesterday. My phone was silent after I blocked Marcus on everything, my party outfit was scattered on the floor and my makeup was still on my face. "Grace! Come down here!" It was Maria. The wicked witch of the west. I grabbed a hoodie to cover myself up with because I know he would slut shame me for wearing a crop top. I dreaded for what she had to say and braced myself. Once I got downstairs, I saw she was sitting on the sofa, playing with her fingers. This was unusual behaviour for her. "...what's up?" I say, hesitant and I go and sit myself next to her. "I've been thinking...you keep sneaking off everyday, you used to steal" before she could continue her list "I used to"
"Let me finish, you smoke and your attitude and behaviour is unacceptable. So I have decided..." I rolled my eyes at her and did not want to hear what she had to say "I have found a psychiatrist, he has cured so many -" I looked at her in confusion "a what now?"

I was so angry at Maria for making me do this, but I did need this at the same time. I picked up my phone to tell Finn what happened, but I decided to keep this secret. I got changed into something sloppy, deliberately ignoring Maria's instruction. It was ripped jeans and a white hoodie, my hair was in a ponytail. The car drive there was so slow and awful, felt like I was going to prison, then we arrived

Maria decided to stay in the car and just as I was going to open the car door "I do love you.." she says before I leave. I just shut the door, if she loved me so much she would've tried help me instead of shout and send me to a therapist. I sat in the waiting room and the door swung open. "Grace?" He asked. I looked up and him and his hair was slick back, he had a foreign accent and was in a very formal suit. After getting a look at him, stood up frantically. He opened the door for me and I slowly walked in. He seemed to have a runny nose, since he sniffed as I walked past. The room was very admirable, he had so many books and such expensive looking furniture. "Have you drank recently?" He asked calmly. "Why?" I asked, ignoring the question. "Alcohol is a very addictive substance, so when I get new clients, I always try to see if they have any addictions" he says, something in his voice is so calm and relaxing. Maybe too relaxing. "My name is Dr.Lecter and I will be your psychiatrist. Would you like a seat?" He raises his hand behind me, to show me a very comfy looking black leather chair. I sit down on it and it was almost like I melted into it.

He sits himself down and crossing his legs, then he prepped out a book and pen and laid it neatly on the table next to him. "I was informed by your mother that you and your boyfriend broke up last night, I am sorry for the inconvenience" the tone in his voice was so soothing, I could listen to it all day. "Did she now?" I rolled my eyes and looked the other way. He slightly moved his head with mine. "Are you not comfortable with this?" Dr.lecter questioned.I only scoffed as a response, I then heard him scribble in his book. "What're you writing down?" I didn't want Maria to seem more concerned and give me more 'affection'. She would probably send me to an insane asylum if I didn't co-operate. "Im logging down what I believe your feeling are in the moment and how you handle your emotions". His answer soothed me and I slowly layed back into the chair.

A few hours past, a few of his pages were filled and we were interrupted by a timer. He slowly turned it off and closed his book. "I'm afraid we're out of time" he says while standing up. I was a little sad that I had to leave, I stood up and watched him walk towards his desk. "Is this also your home?" I asked, while walking to his desk. "Yes, it is. However,it is also my office." He always made stern eye contact when speaking. "Should I leave?" Pointing towards the door. "Yes please" I just let myself out and Im quite excited for tomorrow's appointment.

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