(23) Grace

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Hannibal put his hands on my arms and stepped in front of me, I clenched my fists and just the thought of slapping that smug smile off her face made me want to do it even more.
"Have you diagnosed, Grace yet Dr. Lecter?" She asked, antagonising me even more, especially when she clicked on her pen, prepared to write it down on her hand.
"Mrs. Lounds, I ask that you mind your business" expressed Hannibal. Abigail sat and observed.
"Very well, may I talk to Abigail now... alone?" She persisted, while opening her bag to get her notepad out.
"Will you hell" I said. My hands still in fists. Freddie smiled at looked at Abigail for her permission to kick us out. Abigail took in some air and said,
"Hannibal can stay... but not her" everyone stared at me. I let my hands free from being fists.
"It's okay." I whispered to Hannibal while walking to the door. Freddie smiled as I walked out, I just wanted to give her a peace of my mind but not now. I shut the door behind me and sighed.  I decided to go out and have a cigarette to relax, as I was going to walk outside, I saw someone at the reception.
"No. No. My daughter was said to be here. Where is she?" They demanded, slapping their hands on the desk.
"Ma'am, please calm down" said the receptionist, she looked scared and seemed rather young. I decided to intervene.
"Is everything okay here?" I asked. The woman flipped her whole body to look at me. It was Maria. My jaw dropped and she just glared, her eyes beamed and I swore I saw a sparkle in them.
"You're okay! My baby. I saw what happened, are you okay... oh my god, is that blood?" Maria was wiping at my face, mortified I had blood all over myself. I grabbed her hands and pulled them away from me. I didn't know what to say, we just stared at each other.
"How'd you find me.." I asked, breaking the silence. She shrugged her shoulders at me.
"Does that matter?" She laughed nervously. I slowly nodded my head, not understanding why she was laughing.
"I-I saw the Freddie Lounds article" she seemed tongue tied and stumbled on her words. It was extremely awkward, and I knew Maria wanted to hug me.
"And what else" I said, whenever she tried to hide information from me, she always put on this strange smile.
"What do you mean?" She asked, with that same stupid smile.
"What else, what have you done?" My jaw was still dropped that she was this obsessive over me when I'm twenty four.
"I-I, I may of stopped paying Dr. Lecter for your treatment" the silence hurt my ears.
"What do you want out of this?" I asked, not bothered she stopped paying for my therapy. I knew Hannibal would still look out for me.
"For you to come home..." she went to touch my hair but I stepped backwards.
"Stay away from me." I started to walk back to room 9B.
"Grace, wait! Wait!" Begged Maria. I blocked her out and walked faster.
"Marcus came looking for you yesterday!" She shouted. I stopped in my tracks, slowly looking back at her.
"He came by asking, if you was home. I said no, I don't know where he is now" she seemed like she was going to cry almost. I turned back around and walked to 9B. She didn't call my name out and it made it easier for me to not look back.

I sat outside 9B and waited for Freddie to leave the room. The door slowly opened.
"Thank you for your time, Abigail" said Freddie, she tucked away her device into her bag and locked eyes with me. I was sat with my legs crossed.
"I would've thought you used your free time to clean yourself up. Blood starts to smell" she said. I gave her a quick smile before saying,
"Then Will you fuck off?" I whispered in her ear, while letting myself in room 9B. Abigail had a doctor standing beside her, refreshing her medicine and needles. I smiled at her, she glanced at me and smiled back. I was a little blown back that she smiled at me, after kicking me out the room.
"I saw Maria in reception" I said to Hannibal. He gave me a shocked expression.
"What did she have to say?" He asked. I sighed and sat next to him.
"She cancelled my therapy and she wanted me to go home. I obviously said no, then she said Marcus was looking for me" I explained.
"Have you seen Marcus?" He glared into my eyes again, to see if I would slip on my words.
"...yea, he was just high, it was nothing" I explained.
Hannibal looked me up and down, as if he was analysing my emotion. I adjusted myself on the couch to avoid awkwardness. Then, Jack walked in followed by a young woman.
"Grace, I would like you to meet one of the best agents on Franklin's case" Jack said, he moved himself out the way to reveal the young lady. She was rather beautiful and had them soft lips and curvy body. I stood up at the sight of her and smiled.
"Sorry I'm a bit bloody, I've been meaning to clean myself up" I chuckled, while I held my hand out to shake. She also chuckled.
"It's perfectly okay, I have been updated with what's happened for the past few days. You remind me of a certain someone" she said, shaking my hand.
"I hope that someone is a good someone" I joked.
"It's a large compliment, don't worry" she promised.
"How about...names?" Suggested Jack. Everyone chuckled in the room and I decided to introduce myself properly.
"I'm Grace" I said with a smile, she glanced up when she heard my name.
"Same name too" she smiled but it was like a broken smile, a mourning smile almost.
"I'm agent Sterling" she said, breaking the silence.
I froze, chuckling at the coincidence.
"Clarice?" I said, whispering almost.
"...THE Grace" our jaws dropped, we were finally reunited after ten, longing years.
"You two know each other?" Asked Jack, ruining the moment.

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