(11) I didn't want this

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We were put to a holt when there was crime scene duct tape and a detective stopping the car. It was a black SUV, seemed armoured in some areas. In the back was me, Will and Hannibal and I was in the middle. Jack was driving and Alana was in the passenger seat. The detective went to the drivers window and Jack rolled it down.
"Sorry, I didn't see it was you Jack." Apologised the Detective.
"It's okay detective James." Jack seemed to be laid  back and forgiving when it came to his work. I wonder what tempers him. I was caught off guard when mine and Hannibal's thighs touched. I looked at him and he didn't pull away, I smirked and tried to hide it. I looked out Will's window to see the chaos. There was police cars, and people standing on their porches to see what has occurred during the night. While looking out the window, I accidentally put my hand on Will's thigh.
"Crap, I am so sorry!" I was almost shaking in my voice. Will seemed to be a man who was hard to impress or get his attention in something, I didn't want to be on his bad side so I apologised for nearly everything I did to him. He didn't try to move and all he did was smile and look out his window. I was slightly puzzled at his response so I stepped back.
"Okay Will, come on." Said Jack, opening his car door.
"Maybe you should bring Grace too" suggested Alana.
"You think that's a good idea?" Jack said. I don't think he rather likes me.
"I think it's a splendid idea, I think I must accompany Grace though." Added Hannibal.
Jack only sighed when closing the car door. Me, Will and Hannibal followed behind him. I felt very special walking past all these detectives staring at me. Once we was was in the house, Jack shouted for everyone to leave the house and they all stopped what they were in the middle of and left. Jack lead us to a room that had two mourning people, I assume was the parents. Hannibal stopped at the door way.
"Come on" I said to him, tugging at his waist coat.
"I do not want to overwhelm the parents" he didn't seem too worried for me, even when he said he feels like he has to be with me.
"Okay..." I went back into the room and Jack was comforting the parents.
"We will find your daughter" he felt so motivated and believed in himself, which I think is key in doing cases like this.
"Do you know if your daughter came home at all?" I played with my fingers when talking to the sobbing parents.
"We're not sure... the door was unlocked when we came back. We were gone for the weekend so she would've been home alone. We were informed she left work and we haven't heard anything since" the dad sniffed or had to wipe tears away from his eyes when he was telling me everything he knew.
"Do you have a pet?" Asked Will. He was looking at their grand bookshelf with his hands on his hips. I don't think he can socialise well. The parents looked confused, as well as Jack.
"We have a dog" said the mum, still puzzled. I smiled a bit, since I loved dogs and always wanted one myself.
"You said you was gone for the weekend, correct?" Will seemed very determined. Me and Jack just stood and observed.
"Yes..." the parents hugged each other, I think Will said something that upset them. Jack lead Will out the room and I listened in on their conversation.
"What're you doing Will..."

"The dog, would've died of dehydration if she didn't come home. She came home, fed and watered their dog and she then went missing"

Wills logic was impressive. Jack sighs and pulls out his radio.
"The residency is now a crime scene" he spoke into the radio. I heard the mother sob loud and I went to go comfort her.
"Ma'am, everything is okay. We're one step closer to finding your daughter" I assured her, rubbing her back, which made me feel comforted too.
"Why is my house a crime scene" she cried and rested her head on her husband's shoulders. I thought it would be better if I left them two and I went out the room to see Hannibal staring at me.
"Are you coming now?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders, confused why he didn't do his magic on the poor woman behind me.
"Yes" he simply added, holding his waist coat.
"Are you...okay, from yesterday? Also, why were you out then?" I had already said this before, which he did not answer.
"I was going to-" before he could say what he needed to say, Will walks back into the house with gloves on.
"Hannibal, may you stay with the parents?" Asked Jack.
"Of course" Hannibal smiled at Jack then walked past me, touching my finger tips. I looked back to him, he was already comforting the mother.
"Come on" will patted my shoulder, snapping me out of my day dream. I followed him upstairs.

He checks his gloves are on right and goes through some ground rules with me.
"You cannot touch anything, if you see anything suspicious, tell me"
"Why can't I have my own gloves on?" My point was a lot more easier and better.
"I prefer to have my own working ground" Will
Opens the door and the missing girl was laid in her bed, she looked peaceful.
"Oh my god" I gasped and covered my mouth. Will went to remove the covers off her and she looked like she had been here the entire time.
"Is she dead?" I asked. Will picked up her wrist and checked her pulse.
"Yes" he slowly laid her wrist back down.

"Will Graham?" I hear from behind me. Me and Will turn around and see a black haired woman at the door.
"Im Beverly, I've heard so much about you" she had an expensive looking camera and had gloves on.
"So she can wear gloves and I can't?" I moaned. She chuckled at my comment and started taking photos of the girl.
"She's been dead for a while, you can tell from her pale skin and her..." she placed the camera in my hands and she raised her eyelid to see her lifeless eyes.
"And her eyes, I would say she's been dead for a week" she suggests.
"That's impossible, she went missing on Saturday." I give back Beatrice's camera, while Will is staring at the girls body.
"Blood hasn't been circulating." Will says, before he can expand on his idea and before I can say that the blood stops circulating 30 minutes after death, Jack walks in.

"We can take her body back and we can examine it there" Jack looked very mysterious in his hat and coat.
"My baby!" We hear a woman say. Jack looks back into the hallway and opened his arms out as if he's trying to catch something. The mother swooped passed Jack, falling onto her knees and sees her daughter dead.
"My baby!" She repeats. She tried to stand up to get to her body but Hannibal grabs her from behind and hold her stomach, stopping her from seeing the pale body of her daughter. Me, Beatrice and Will were shocked. I stared at the mother sob loud in Hannibal's grasp. While Will is covering the body with the duvet and Beatrice is packing up her equipment. I just stood there, shocked. I got flashbacks of some sort staring at the mother. People hoarded into the room and was packing up the body in a black bag and I heard everything fade away into the background. The mothers cry converted Maria's cry.

Suddenly, I was sat on my lawn. I was holding the teddy my dad gave me and I saw Maria run out the house after seeing a cop car pull into our driveway.  It was like it was all in slow motion and she ran to the police men. They were telling her something and she fell to her knees and screamed in pain. I was just staring at Maria crying so much she couldn't breathe right. One of the police men stayed with Maria and the other came to comfort me.
"Hey there, that's a nice teddy. What's his name? Who gave it you?" He asked, standing in front of me so I couldn't see Maria in such pain.
"Daddy gave it me!" I saw the cops face drop and looked like he was about to cry.
"His name is Barney!" I exclaimed.

I was back in reality, Hannibal was shaking me, repeating my name.
"Grace! Grace" he said, feeling my forehead.
"Where's- wheres Maria?" I said, dazed looking around in hope to see Maria.
"Grace, Grace. You zoned out." Hannibal exclaims. I stared in confusion.

Thank you for the support shown on my book, I have a lot planned for the future chapters and it will worth the wait! Hope everyone has a good day! 💞

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