(36) The Pigs

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Hannibal's POV

I was separated from the others (Jack, Clarice, Will, Margot) and was taken into a large barn full of squealing pigs. They sounded hungry and violent. I was tied in a pen and it was extremely uncomfortable, the hay was stale and didn't cover much of the concrete floor and my arms were held up for god knows how long, they had a very bad case of 'pins and needles'. Men would change shifts often and Carlos did double shifts since Mason trusted him the most. He was leaning on a metal pillar while using a knife to cut off a slice of apple to eat. His knife was pretty, it looked sharp and seemed like a hunters knife.
"I see Mason is fond of you" I said to Carlos, starting a conversation. He looked up at me and seemed angry I was starting a conversation with him, I only smiled.
"You better shut up" he pointed his knife at me, I saw he had a pattern carved into the blade.
"Mason isn't here, I'm sure we could be friendly since I might be here a while" I recommend. He chuckled while itching his beard, I noticed he had dirty finger nails and an unclean face, he was a very unhygienic man.
"Mason won't be long. He's a busy man" he said, his accent was very rough.
"I think respect that" I responded. Carlos threw the apple cord into the pig pen and we listened to their squeals of harmony, I could hear how heavy they are and their pain while being trampled.
"They can and they will eat anything. I've seen it all, I fed a person to my own pigs twenty years ago and these pigs, I saw Mason once feed them raw ribs of a boar and it was gone in seconds, even the bones. Imagine them with human meat, you're our lab rat." Carlos opened my pen door and kneeled down to my height.
"Are they tight enough?" He asked me. He grabbed my wrists and shook them about.
"They seem loose" he chuckled. He tightened my rope even more and I looked down at the ground to hide my pain that was shown on my face. He chuckled and walked out of the pen, closing the gate. I noticed he dropped his knife and he didn't realise, I used my feet and kicked it beside me, I kneeled on it and to hide the knife, I shuffled some hay on top of it. Carlos lit a cigarette and it made the room smell.
"I will go get my brother. Watch this mother fucker" Carlos spat at the ground and walked out. The man on this hours shift seemed scared and weak, he dug his face into a newspaper article and I saw his hands were trembling slightly.
"New?" I asked him. He peered his head around the papers and caught my eyes, I startled him then he looked back into the articles.
"May I ask you help me take off my blazer? It is very hot. I promise there will be no harm done" I said to him, softly.
"I-I can't do that" he trembled in his words.
"Nobody will know and we could maybe get along since I could be here a while" I comforted him, he folded up the newspaper and looked at me proper for the first time.
"Carlos... said he had a-a plan" he said, fiddling with his fingers.
"What's your name, dear boy?" I was beginning to like this man.
"C-C-Caleb" he said.
"Well, Caleb. I see that we are bonding and therefore, I cannot lie to you. I promise you Mason shall not find out and I shall make your shifts worth while" I promised him. He nodded his head at me slowly.
"I have to use... caution though sir" he picked up a pistol from the table beside him and walked over to me, he aimed his gun at me and I noticed he had never held a gun before since he didn't hold it properly and he had the safety lock on. He slowly opened the gate and walked towards me. He tried to use one hand to untie me but Carlos had it on tight.
"You don't have to aim it at me. Place down somewhere you think would be safe and untie me" I recommended to him. He hesitantly put the gun in his jeans and used both hands to untie me. I felt the ropes all fold off of me and fall down beside me, I felt my wrists and they were bruised and thumping in pain.
"Thank you" I took off my blazer and rolled up my sleeves and I then voluntarily held my arms up to tie up again. The young man tied me back up onto the hitch and left my pen. He sat himself back down and began to read his newspapers again. The rope was less tight and it was becoming loose so I had to hold my arms up so it seemed tight. Carlos entered back with his brother, Carlos stepped on his cigarette and blew out his last puff from his mouth.
"Hey, your shifts over" Carlos told Caleb. Caleb quickly stood up and rushed out.
"How the fuck did you get your blazer off?" Said Carlos' brother. He marched over and punched me across my face, I felt a nose bleed come through.
"what did you do to Caleb huh?" He asked off me. I simply looked up at him and pulled a confused look, I liked to play with peoples emotions, especially angry and violent people, it is entertaining.
"You think this is a JOKE?" He punched me in the stomach, I took in a large gasp of air and Carlos pulled his brother away from me. They spoke in their language, I would've been able to translate if I wasn't gasping for air or bleeding. I saw the two brothers looked at me, angry. Carlos felt his Jean pocket and noticed his knife was gone. He scanned the room quickly in hope to see it.
"Shit! My knife, I must've left it inside. Watch him" Carlos hurried out and shut the barn door. I watched Carlos' brother open the gate and kneel down to my height.
"Im gonna love to watch the pigs eat you like it's their last meal..." he said to me, smiling.
"May I ask why?" I responded.

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