(32) No more room in hell

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I woke up to the birds chirping outside the window, I stretched, taking up most the bed to see Hannibal wasn't in bed with me. I sat up and grabbed one of his shirts off the floor. It was rather large on me and covered me up well, I ruffled my hair up and went downstairs to smell bacon and eggs. I turned the corner to see Hannibal cooking breakfast.
"Good morning" he said, cooking the eggs. I wasn't much of a morning person so I just waved and got a glass. I walked over and grabbed some coffee to fill my cup up. I sat down at the breakfast bar and took a sip from it. It felt warm going down my throat and I let out a sigh of relief.
"What time is it?" I asked, scratching my scalp.
"11:30" he said, flipping the bacon. I gasped in shock, did I really sleep for that long?
"When did you wake up? Why didn't you wake me" I started to chug my coffee so I could eat my lunch and change before Mason came.
"I believe I woke up at 10 and I thought some sleep would do you good" he started to serve the food out onto the plates. I groaned at my laziness and saw what Hannibal had laid out for me.
"Thanks" I picked up my knife and fork and began to eat my lunch. The bacon was perfect and the eggs were cooked just right. I smiled in Delight. Hannibal sat himself next to me and refilled my coffee.
"Thanks" I said, slurping some more coffee.
"I am going to get ready for the day, you sure you're going to be okay on your own?" He placed his hand on my shoulder for an honest answer.
"Course, besides I will have some bacon and eggs to keep me company" I joked. He smirked and started to walk out the kitchen and up the stairs. I looked back at my plate of food and began to eat again. I never thought in a million years that I would enjoy bacon and eggs as much as I am now. Once I had finished my coffee and food, I carried the dishes to the sink. Although it was 11:45, I decided to quickly wash the dishes and avoid the window thats in front of me.


I nearly dropped the plate but I held it tight. I closed my eyes and slowly placed the plate down. I counted to 10 and looked around, nobody was here again. I couldn't bring myself to continue washing the dishes so I had to leave them. I walked upstairs to change into today's outfit.

I brushed my hair and saw Hannibal walk out the bathroom, adjusting his hair and walked to the wardrobe to choose out his waist coat for the day

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I brushed my hair and saw Hannibal walk out the bathroom, adjusting his hair and walked to the wardrobe to choose out his waist coat for the day.
"Any plans for today?" He asked. I looked at him through the mirror before looking back onto my hair.
"Nope, except hiding from Mason" i sighed.
"I could stop treating him if you'd like" he offered. I shook my head and stood up to put on my shoes.
"No. He clearly needs the therapy and plus I don't wanna get in the way of your work" I reasoned. I put on my shoes and walked downstairs, with Hannibal behind me, I walked into the kitchen and finished doing the dishes. Hannibal opened the door and Asked if Mason was present. The house was quiet yet I could scarcely make out what they were saying.
"Good morning, Mason. Shall we get started?" Asked Hannibal.
"Yes we shall" agreed Mason. I scrubbed off the egg yolk on my plate and listened in on their conversation, when I shouldn't be. I glanced behind my shoulder to see them both sat down and Mason still had his coat on while sat down, doing a cheeky grin. Hannibal started the conversation.

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